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An army is nothing if those that wield its weapons lack bravery and courage. This is where the role of the bard comes in. Through song and story, they can instill valor in even the most feeble of minds. A single bard playing a melody can turn the tide of a battle. As such, they are often priority targets, especially since it’s difficult to defend one’s self while holding an instrument.



Bards may only wear armor from Class 1.

Weapon Recommendations

Bards typically wield one-handed weapons.

tier 1

Given Abilities


Bards are the only class that may use instruments for the purpose of buffing themselves or their allies.

Special Abilities (Choose Two)

Song of Courage

The Bard inspires their allies with a powerful tune, granting them invulnerability to all physical attacks. All allies within a medium circle of the Bard is Invulnerable to damage for 7 seconds. If the Bard is attacked or quits part way through the 7 seconds, the effect ends. Utility: 2


The bard laments the fallen with a morbid, but beautiful, melody. The song resonates in the very souls of downed players, granting them a second wind. All of the Bard’s downed allies are instantly revived with half health, but will be unconscious again if the Bard is attacked or stops playing. If the Bard plays the Dirge for 15 uninterrupted seconds, all players affected by the Dirge are no longer dependant on the Bard’s song. Utility: 1

Ditty of Rejuvenation

The bard plays a fierce ditty with passion and spirit. The powerful music reverberates throughout the battlefield, curing all party members of negative status effects and grants a recharge of their abilities. Cures status effects and grants one extra charge of their teammate’s abilities within a medium circle of the Bard. Utility: 1

Tier 2

Battle Bard


“What better theater is there than the blood-soaked battlefield?”

This subclass of Bard specializes in dealing damage and debuffing enemies.

Given Abilities

Instruments of War

You can now block with your instrument, but cannot attack with it.

Special Abilities (Choose One)

Furious Tune

Roots enemies. Enemies within 10ft in front of the Battle Bard are Rooted for 10 seconds.  The Root can be interrupted if the Bard is attacked or stops playing during those 10 seconds. Utility: 2

Song of Power

Knockback all enemies within a Medium Circle of the Battle Bard for 5 seconds while the Bard plays this song.. This effect can be ended early if the Battle Bard is attack or stops playing. Utility: 3



”Perhaps laughter is the best medicine!”

This class mixes offensive abilities with support abilities.

Given Abilities


Special Abilities (Choose Two)

The Red Note

All enemies on the battlefield receives 1 damage as long as you play your instrument for 5 continuous seconds without being attacked or otherwise interrupted. Damage is dealt at the end of the 5 seconds. Utility: 2

Foolish Dancing

Enables the Jester to run among the battlefield without taking damage for 10 seconds. You are not stealthed, but enemies are unable to hit you. You cannot attack while this ability is being used. Utility: 3

Battle Ballad

Choose one ally within 10ft. Play your instrument, uninterrupted, to them for 5 seconds to heal them for 3 health. Utility: 1




”Inspiration, and improvement!”

This class focuses primarily on providing massive buffs to your teammates, at the cost of offensive capabilities.

Given Abilities

Skilled Orator

You can now use singing or a speech as your spell casting medium as opposed to an instrument.

Special Abilities (Choose One)

Hype Man

Choose one allied target before combat. Offer them words of encouragement and support to provide them with +4 max HP for the battle’s duration. Utility: 1


Sing/Play a song for 5 uninterrupted seconds to recharge one Utility of all allies’ Abilities within a Medium Circle of you. Utility: 2

Inspiring Tune

Sing/Play a song for 5 uninterrupted seconds to heal all allies on the battlefield for 2 HP and cleanse them of all debuffs. Utility: 2

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