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S1 Recap

Act VII - War

September 7-8

There was a silence in the night as a closer look was taken into the events that took place at the peak of Ursine. The details from the Sovereign, the rush to get the Runestone, the cold chill in the night that came when the Long Forgotten King of the Others had finally appeared to reclaim the Runestone, All of these events took place again for us to a different world at the end of the night. An ancient magic was felt when the Templar King had tried to break the Runestone with his Daliah’s Shield. A great flash of light had shown from the peak after the King’s party, compiled of Eira, Jennifer Skinnifer, and Bryar the Ursine, had fought valiantly against the unending horde of the Other King and his forces.

The King woke up alone to a heavy atmosphere, where the Runestone was seen welded to his chest through his armor, hearing voices in the distance. As he walked towards the voices with sword in hand, he first saw his brother, Prince Kodey, alive and well. He then saw his companions Jennifer, Eira, and Bryar as well. Lucius the Wanderer was also there, along with Hunter Felix, Matthew II, Boppip, and many others. He noticed that they were merrily celebrating with song, food, and strong drink to “Peace in Aspiria”. Confused by this, the King started to withdraw from the scene only to have the group’s attention focus in on him, congratulating him on obtaining peace in Aspiria. His concern was noticed by the group and they tried to reassure him to “let go” and celebrate peace, that the work was finally over. Things started to unfold when the King noticed that the Prince had both of his hands and the Hunter was still alive. A dark and heavy atmosphere came over the group that was celebrating as they shifted from praise to the King to condemnations. They began to swarm in on the King as he made his way back to the peak.

Meanwhile, the Solari sisters, along with Malum, decided to return to their ships to await their brothers Blaine and Angelo due to the increasing number of Others that had swarmed the area. As they made their way to the beachfront of the Dred Sea, they were halted by what seemed to be a party of Pines men, led none other than by Nikolai Cainus, with the prisoner, Hazel. His demands were not of war at first, but the Solari progressively pushed him in that direction. He wanted Boppip to be turned over for treason and also wanted justice for the Queens death. He wanted the Solari gone from Aspiria for good and he thought with his army of separatists, the Nox navy, and the Pirate fleet that he would be able to intimidate the Solari. The Solair sisters and Malum, tired of the arrogance and brashness of the Pines army started using their powers and freed Hazel and when Nikolai noticed that negotiations and democracy would not work he sent his troops on the encampment. Wave by wave the Solari and their Men, along with Malum, were tearing apart the Pines men. Ultimately, the army scattered after watching the renowned soldier and leader, Nikolai Cainus, bested by the power of the Thymerians and brutally killed. The Solari, Malum, and Hazel made their way back to the beachfront.

Lucius, who wasp last seen in the deadlands, being held there by thousands of dead spirits now walks among the living again. Two men traveled with Lucius Dismas the Leaper and Teagan the Dwarf. Lucius still hearing the voices in his head believes that he is being lead to the top of Mount Ursine, and Dismas a passionate follower of the Lord of Light seeks to aid Lucius in getting there. Others swarm the entirety of the mountain as if they were being called by a greater force. They made their way around the outskirts of Thorne Tavern, attempting to avoid the Pines men army rallying in the North. 

Arn, still wandering through the vast wilderness of the Pines to make his way to the King at Ursine to tell of the downfall at Thorne Tavern and the Prince, was met by three travelers. Seeing a battle-worn Squire, they decided to bind him for their safety and to retrieve information as the headed to Thorne Tavern. A familiar face was found in the party, that of Lucius the Wanderer, although he didn’t know anything of the events in the deadlands, he did recognize Arn Urso. The four traveled to Thorne Tavern, where they walked into the remains of the slaughter that had taken place days before at the hand of the Queen’s forces. Pines Loyalist, Thorne residents, and Valley troops all lay dead on the ground throughout the entire town. Leaving the town, the Queen had even gone as far as to set fire to the stables and the buildings that once inhabited life. As they were walking through the town, the Prince came from the forest, charging the men who had his Squire captive.

 It did not take long though for the situation to de-escalated when the Prince noticed they had tended to Arn’s wounds and that Lucius was alive. The Prince, Arn, and Lucius all felt a great amount of pain come over their bodies as Kodey came to recognize that this was caused by the death of his brother, Making him King Regent in the Valley. The other two party members then introduced themselves to the Prince. Bowing down before the Prince, Dismas, the Leper. Kodey had heard tales from his father of the Captain with immense loyalty and charisma for the Valley who had been struck with an ailing disease from a battle wound and had been banished from the realm until his ailments were healed. The other companion, Taegen Fernie, a Dwarven alchemist in search of greater knowledge of the “outer-realm” from the Deserted Lands and investigating the descendants of Dominick the Watkin. Dismas quickly offered his service to aide the Prince after hearing of the state of Aspiria and the Rebellion that is taking place. 
As they walked around Thorne Tavern the went to the tavern where Markus and Matthew II were killed to find The Prince’s and Arn’s armor and Quicksilver blades. The Prince then told the party of his need to go to Crimson Peak to ready the banners for the coming attack of the South, as he sent what ravens were left to the King’s bannermen. Dismas, wishing to join the Prince in reclaiming a peaceful Aspiria was then reminded of their mission as it pertained to the opposite direction towards Mount Ursine. The six then split up into their perspective groups and set course in opposite directions.

In the madness of the conflict with the Others, that had ensued with Lucius, Dismas, and Teagan, it seemed as if the first casualty of the party had come. Teagan had been bitten thinking himself to have been a noble sacrifice. Though soon after Lucius opened his veins, listening to the voices within his head providing Teagan with what might just be a cure from this disease though his wound greatly slowed him down. This was in fact the first time that the party had encountered the Others together. Teagan and Dismas in disbelief that the dead do in fact walk the earth again. Knowing the prophecy of the Lord of Light, Dismas seems even more eager to deliver Lucius to the top of the mountain. A frail old man appears before them, messing about in his pouch he pulls from it a pipe and his bag of tobacco. 

Completely scatterbrained, Emrys (the frail old man) claims to be a messenger of the Lord of light warning Dismas his servant of his need to deliver Lucius not to the mountaintop, but to the King. Emrys warned the group that the darkness within the Doombringer Lucius was seeking its destruction on top of Ursine. Lucius however knew then of this darkness Emrys spoke of. The sounds of the dead could be heard once more, and with it meant the need to get out of the white woods. Lucius who was still not convinced of his need to find the king over traveling to the top of Ursine, left Emrys conflicted. 

Kodey and Arn making their way to the edge of the Crimson Peak were met by the Kuhl. Familiar faces, Ivy and Kabbalah along with a small forest of other Kuhl warriors have come still searching for the body of Divan, but not being able to make it South due to the invading army, which was new to the Prince and Arn. The Crimson Peak had been taken. Beowulf and his men invaded the castle that was guarded by the limited Lion’s Guard. Seeing the Castle on fire, the Prince plead with the Kuhl to help him reclaim the Crimson Peak and offered back the Land, Kanissa, as a royal decree and to send aide in helping them locate the deceased body of Divan. Kabbalah and Ivy agreed because they new the Queen was primarily the reason Divan was taken from Kanissa in the first place, which led to his death. 

As they walked out to the field in front of the castle, Beowulf and his men were waiting for the Prince and Arn. Beowulf met with the Prince to discuss terms of his surrender which were to bend the knee and serve Beowulf, calling himself the true King of Aspiria. Knowing this would provoke the Prince, war was really the only thing that would satisfy the appetite of Beowulf due to the death of the Queen. Ultimately, the Prince would not bend the knee and Beowulf declared war, where the two leaders then pressed their heads together to recite an ancient custom of War:

“'Lo, there do I see my father.
Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.
Lo, there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning.
Lo, they do call to me.
They bid me take my place among them.
In the halls of  Ūrišlem…
Where the faithful
May live

With the Kuhl on his side, the Prince charged headstrong into the fray of battle. After the fighting broke out, the Prince sought out Beowulf to kill him and to stop the rebellion once and for all. They fought to their fullest capacity, striking blow for blow. When other soldiers would come to aid their leader they would be killed instantly and brutally for the two to get back to fighting each other. Disarming each other, Beowulf and the Prince fell to the ground fist fighting. The Kuhl and Arn were starting to take ground back on the field, fiercely fighting back the vast numbers of Beowulf’s army, but not without a cost. From the North, the loyalist rangers of Markus charged in to aid the Prince, Arn and the Kuhl. Arn coming to the aid of the Prince against Beowulf was then able to give the Prince back his weapon and they were able to capture Beowulf. Giving him a chance to surrender, Beowulf then chose death instead of serving a Watkins and the Prince sentenced him to death for treason and rebellion against the crown, cutting his head off on the battlefield. After seeing this, Beowulf’s forces, lead by his second in Command, Ogden Hornkrow, retreated to inside of the castle walls. Having won the field, the Prince and his forces charged forward.

The King, somehow still alive, reconviened with Jennifer Skinnifer, though Eira was missing. Traveling up the mountain with Eira the Solari brothers were close at hand. The remnant of the Other King was nowhere to be found, and the brothers wanted to make a wager with the King. In exchange for Eira, he would have to bring the Rune stone. In an exchange of blades, the King agreed to give over the stone, only if Eira was to be set free. The exchanging of blades were met once again only to be stopped by the overwhelming Other forces and the army of Half Elf aid of Eira’s people. Informed that she was now the Chieftess of her people, Eira and her companions were safely taken from the harm of the Others by the half elves. 

On top of Ursine, the Valley Keep could be seen in fire. Pleading with Eira, the King sought the aid of her people to save the Valley, offering them land in the Valley and freedom. The King also requested that Eira be his heir if anything were to happen to him or his brother. Eira hesitated to this, but agreed half-heartedly, hoping to please the wishes of her friend. Traveling down the mountain, they were met with opposition. Beowulf’s forces seemed to be engaged in conflict already. With the aid of the Sigmund tribe, the Half Elves of the Whitewoods, the King provided the Valley with the support they needed. While Ogden Hornkrow pushed back against the King at the gates, the Prince and his troops stormed in. News of the death of Beowulf traveled quickly, and with it great joy for the Valley men. Back to back the long lost brothers fought against the forces of the Marshmen. Seeing no need to continue fighting, and seeing that they had been defeated, Ogden withdrew his men from battle, and the Council of Kings began. Eira, quick to renounce her heirdom to the throne left the party of her king to seek the well-being of her people with Jennifer Skinnifer. Brynn of House Nox, only just arriving after a battle with the Solari off the Coast of the Dreadsea, despised the need to partner with the King, though putting differences aside, a treaty of peace was to be found in the Land of Aspiria. A greater enemy seemed to be gaining power, the king spoke of the army of the dead, while Brynn and the prince feared the Army of the Solari.

Act VI - Sacrifice

August 24-25

Bible Study: 1 Peter 2:12-25


As the threat of the Others is grew greatly in Aspiria, the party of the King, the Prince, Arn, Jennifer, and Boppip continued to travel to the peak of the mountain. The need for Quicksilver weapons grew, as the sound of the dead could be heard all around the party. Thinking quickly, Eira recalled the Sovereign, who told of Mount Ursine's origin, that it was the remains of Malik, the great white dragon of old. Boppip worked quickly with the help of the Prince to forge Quicksilver onto his blade, merging his Kingsblood to the blade. While they worked, the King, Eira, and Arn fought to keep the Others at bay even though their numbers were overwhelming.


Once the Prince had his blade forged, he fought alongside them, while the Doombringer Jennifer Skinnifer gave her blood to forge another Quicksilver weapon. Unable to continue forging blades after Jennifer's was complete, the party sought to get free of the horde of Others surrounding them. The King’s wolfsbane potion was losing its effect and his need for another potion was great. James chose to send Boppip into the Pines, to find wolfsbane and return to him. The Prince, knowing that the Valley needed to be protected and that a Watkins must always occupy the Red Keep chose to leave with Arn to escort Boppip down the mountain and return to defending the Keep from the rebellious Queen Teala. With the party splitting, the King took Eira and Jennifer to ascend the peak with him to retrieve the Runestone.


Bryar, who had left the party of the King three weeks ago, sought to find Astrid of the Narbog before she returned to the Queen's side, fearing it would be revealed that she had joined the King. Using the darkness to her advantage, Bryar sought to kill off the entire Narbog party while they sought to flay one of their insubordinates. While Bryar challenged Astrid to one on one combat, two grim warriors made their way to the peak of the mountain where Bryar battled Astrid. Slashing through the entire Narbog party, the warriors were revealed to be Blaine and Angelo Solari. Blaine sought to feed his blades with Blood, and as he walked towards Bryar he dragged Stellaluna by the hair and ripped her from the ground by it.

Angelo and Blaine Solari sought after the Ursine, cutting down even Astrid in an attempt to find Bryar. Killing Stellaluna before Bryar’s eyes, Bryar sought answers to these strange warriors. However, Blaine’s patience was nonexistent due to his intoxication for blood. Bryar was knocked out and taken captive to join the Solari who were making their way up the base of Mount Ursine. Finally reaching the King's party nights later.

Blaine and Angelo approached the King seeking to use Bryar as a tool to encourage the King to gather the Runestone for them. Angelo bloodbending the Ursine Bryar, until the King felt the need to step in to stop him. Jennifer Skinnifer worked diligently to mend the pain of Bryar and the King began to go sword to sword with Blaine. Only stopping when Eira was taken by Angelo who was unable to Bloodbend the Templar King. Believing that the King’s shield was the cause of his ability to prevent Angelo’s Bloodbending, they traded the Shield for Eira and sent the King to the peak of the mountain to retrieve the Runestone.


The King's party, finally making their way to the peak of the mountain, were met by the Sovereign. Joriaem Pelliccia appeared before them, the dead father of Bryar and the Chief of the Ursine. Sigmund, Eira’s father also appeared before them. Joriaem warned his daughter of her hatred for the Crown and her need to put that aside, revealing the cannibalistic practices of the tribe being a result of the Other’s disease. Joriaem told Bryar of her Mother, Elrohir, the Elven Queen. Sigmund informed his daughter of her need to stay with the King, only then could he lead her people out of exile and into freedom.


One sovereign was missing, as they normally travelled in three. When asked, the sovereign avoided the answer, pointing to the need for Kingsblood at the peak. Soon leaving the living, the Sovereign disappeared, revealing the spirit of Felosie Felix loyal to the Crown. He was sacrificed in order to protect the Runestone that rested on top of the mountain. After the party answered a number of riddles, the spirit was whisked away as the forces of the Others began to overtake the mountaintop. Finishing the puzzle of the Dwarven device protecting the Runestone, the party had to defend Eira as she sought to finish the puzzle. Unable to do it on her own she called out for the help of the King. Eira, Jennifer, and Bryar defended the King while he removed the Runestone from the device.


Just then a chilling voice of a long forgotten king sounded through the mountain peak. The Other King made his way to the holder of the Stone, moving Bryar and Jennifer aside with just the throwing of his hand. More and more Others continued to swarm the mountain peak while The Other King reached King James and commanded the stone from him, holding him by the neck. Holding of the Other King with his left hand, the King took the Runestone resting in his right hand slamming it off his chest calling out “Daliah’s Shield”. This is the ability of a Templar to reflect magic. A blast of energy burst forth from James and a blinding light engulfed the peak of Mount Ursine.


The Prince had been quick in his travels back to the Valley, traveling to the Pines with Boppip and Arn in hopes to stop at Thorn Tavern in the Pines to rally support from those who were loyal to Marcus Watkins. Parting ways with Boppip, who was collecting supplies for the king, the Prince and Arn made their way into Thorn Tavern where they met with Marcus. Marcus told them that the Queen's forces had surrounded the Red Keep and continued to grow. Rangers of the Queen even partolled the Pines. In addition, Beowulf had marched from the South West, and Nox had marched north from the South East, even bringing his Navy and the Pirate Queen Wright's troops with her.

The Queen, working closely with the Father of Matthew II, was informed on his double agent working for the Crown. Seeking to make an example of him and to show her power, when the Queen entered into Thorn Tavern with her troops, she gave the Prince a choice to turn himself over and let Matthew II live. Due to his hesitation, Matthew Skinnifer II had his throat slit. Teala then commanded her army of men to overtake Thorn Tavern and slaughter the townspeople. Marcus was then put before the Prince and stabbed in the back in front of the Prince, the blade nearly touching the face of the Prince who was forced to his knees. Arn, now bound and brought to his knees, was put before the Prince. Arn was beat before the Prince, and his hand was then slowly removed from his body before Arn was sent to tell the King that the Prince had been taken captive and was to be killed by the Queen. War had come to the Valley. Arn was removed of his family's Quicksilver blade, as was the Prince who also had his alchemical gauntlet removed. The Queen then continued traveling North, to the Shores of the Dred Sea in the Pines and Whitewoods, where she had a council with the Solari.


The Pirate Captain Xankresh, still held within captivity, continued to get tortured by the Solari. This time, however, he was being tortured by the two Solari sisters, Lilith and Lorelia. Lilith had the odd ability to control the dead, even more so she was able to manifest removed body parts into living dead body parts. Lorelia, being extremely vain, used her ability to control those around her by giving commands and warping their minds to force all who came into contact with her to tell her how beautiful she was. The Sisters were led by the enlightened Malum Nuntis, from the Order of Dominus.


Malum sought more answers from Xankresh, knowing of him as a Criminal in Thymeria, Malum sought to please his pupil Lilith by torturing him, using his dying black flame of A’Drakk to burn the arm of the Pirate captain completely off. Hoping to gather information out of him about Aspiria, Malum’s motives were unknown by Xankresh, who proved to be of no use to him. Lilith and Lorelai, being different than their brother Angelo who reserved his use of power, continued to use their power. Lilith killed her own guards and commanding them around and Lorelai had all who came in her presence continue to speak of her beauty.


The Queen sent a gift before she came into the presence of the Solari, the bound and broken Prince. After much interrogation, the Prince revealed that an important person was in the Valley, an alchemist of the name Boppip Backfire. Marigold Backfire, Boppip's father, a refuge, and a loyalist to the Solari, found his son and brought him willingly to the Dread Sea shores. Boppip was fascinated and simultaneously terrified by the power of the Solari. Fearing for his life, he was compliant with the order of the Solari, unable to move until commanded too. Malum, noticing the composure of Boppip, forced him into smoking the corn cob pipe that rested in his satchel.


After much investigation, Malum found that the Queen who sought an audience with them was seeking to use them. In her ignorance and hunger for power she overspoke, presuming that the Solari needed her. Malum, being quick to remind her of her place, slit her throat and watched Queen Teala breath her last breath in the presence of enemies. As if seeing the Queen die before them wasn’t enough, Malum continued engaging with his prisoners of war, Lorelia forcing the Prince to acknowledge her beauty and Lilith reanimating the lost hand of the Prince, only to take the skeletal remains away again. Malum, frustrated with the demeanor of the Prince and desiring to see the Alchemist perform, took the tongue of the Prince to see it reformed moments later by Boppip.


Even the Solari camp was not safe however. After the Solari Sisters and Malum were done torturing their captives, they returned to their ships, fully intending to return to Thymeria. Marigold was put in charge of keeping watch over the three prisoners while the rest of the camp was being packed up and loaded onto the ship. Thinking quickly, the Prince sent a righteous headbutt into the head of Marigold, knocking him out cold. Xankresh, eager to avoid Thymeria, left the cell immediately. Boppip was much more comfortable with the Solari, and was primarily concerned with the well being of his Father. Others began to swarm the encampment one again, and the Prince, leading Xankresh and Boppip, took them further away from the Dread shores.


Xankresh, no longer having two arms to defend himself, was much slower than the Prince and Boppip, and was overwhelmed by the others, who sank their teeth into his flesh. Just then a blinding light coming from the peak of the mountain called off the hordes of Others, and the party was on its own once again. The conflicted Boppip sought after his own safety knowing that he was once again being taken into the face of danger following after the Prince. Xankresh, concealing his wounds entered back into the party and with him the Solari and their forces. A fight broke out with the Solari forces and the Prince barely escaped with his life.


Marigold was bitten by Others while he was knocked unconscious from the Prince's headbutt. Malum pointed out the bite and asked Boppip if a cure existed. Boppip knew none existed. Upon hearing this, Malum commanded Boppip to kill his father to test his alliance. Passionately embracing his long lost father once again, Boppip wielded his family sword to remove the head of Marigold. With Xankresh in captivity once again and Boppip fully willing to join the Solari to learn their powerful Dark Alchemy, the sisters and Malum set their sights on returning to Thymeria.

Act V - Others

August 3-4

Bible Study: 1 Peter 2:1-12


Eira and the King had been traveling through the Whitewoods towards Mount Ursine for a day and a half since their encounter with the Werewolf pack. As they made camp close to their destination, hordes of Others closed in around them. After a few waves of enemies, Eira was knocked unconscious and the Others took her away. Realizing that the Others were taking his only remaining companion, he cleaved through three enemies in one angry blow and ran towards the being who took his ally.


Prince Kodey and his party, consisting of Arn Urso, Boppip Backfire, and Jennifer Skinnifer, set up camp for the night at the base of Mount Ursine, where they discussed why Boppip left the King’s party and planned what to do next. While the party continued to speak with one another, a growing sound of shuffling leaves and groans filled the area. It was the Others. Only Squire Arn's sword was capable of killing the Others that had now overwhelmed the party because it was made of Quicksilver. Making their way around the base of the mountain, the party found an abandoned shack where they attempted to hide for cover from their undead enemies. The Others broke through just as the party found places to hide within the walls of the fortress. The Others slowly searched the place, and eventually found Prince Kodey and Jennifer. Arn ran out to assist with his Quicksilver blade while Boppip stayed hidden. After much struggle, Jennifer was taken by the Others, and the quick-tempered Arn chased after her into the night.


Tracking the Others, Arn found where they had taken Jennifer. She was being held captive alongside Eira at the base of Mount Ursine in a massive group of Others. Arn attempted to rescue the women, but he was rapidly overwhelmed by Others. Just then, the horn of the King sounded, announcing his arrival and bringing the aid of his Quicksilver blade to the Squire. Together they fought off the Others long enough to discuss what was happening. The King was briefed on the whereabouts of his brother, and was made aware that the negotiations with Lord Felix had not gone as they were expected. Arn and Jennifer tried to convey everything that had happened since they last saw the King, including fighting trolls and angry spirits, the addition of Boppip to their party, the death of Lucius and Divan, the ressurection of Jennifer, and Prince Kodey's new hand. King James and Eira were very suspicious of the two and had more questions than when they started. But Arn and Jennifer did not have time to explain, as they were overwhelmed by hundreds of Others and the four members were forced to move up Mount Ursine.


As the King's new party, consisting of Eira, Jennifer, and Arn, continued to make their way to the peak of the mountain, they were met with the opposition of a Mountain Troll. Unfortunately, the Troll seemed to be an undead enemy from the Others. Eventually slaying the Troll, the party's journey only lead to more strange events on Mount Ursine. With the moon beating down upon the mountain, an eerie weight befell the party. Brought to their knees, the promised Sovereign of Ursine now stood before them. The Sovereign revealed that Dominic the Watkin brought something called the Runestone to be sat upon Mount Ursine. If this Runestone was not guarded the end of life would come quickly. Jennifer Skinnifer was informed that her death has lead to her becoming a Doombringer. A walking dead, but different than that of the Others, she could not rest until her Focus, given to her by the Lord of Light, had been completed. Despite many questions the Sovereign would not elaborate on what this Focus was or meant. As well, Arn Urso was told of his Noble Dwarven lineage, and the family sword that he wields being Hrunting the Quicksilver Dwarven sword of the first Dwarf King, forged from the claw of Malik the great white Dragon. With more questions than the party could even begin to ask, the Sovereign vanished as quickly as they had appeared into the night.


Earlier that day, on the shores of the Whitewoods, the pirate Xankresh had been thrown overboard by his companion the Lord Commander Wright just before the ship was commandeered along the shores where the army of House Solari were currently residing. House Solari are known as the Dragon Lords of Thymeria in Aspiria. They arrived in Aspiria due to their false god A’Draak being stolen from their Dragon Temple. A’Draak being the son of Dominous, the Red Dragon of the Red Death. Xankresh was brought before Angelo and his younger brother Blaine of House Solari, accused of the theft of A’Draak while Lord Commander Wright was locked in the camp's prison. 


Angelo, the leader of House Solari, was familiar with Xankresh because of Xankresh’s involvement with the Dread Pirate Roberts, the most wanted Pirate of Thymeria. Seeking to obtain information from Xankresh about Aspiria and about where A’Draak was being held, Angelo used his gift from his false god Dominous to Blood-bend Xankresh into submission. The Dragon A'Draak was found in the cargo that the Lord Commander and Xankresh were transporting to the Whitewoods on the orders of Bryn of House Nox and Freyja the Pirate Queen of House Wright.

Fleets of House Wright ships came to aid Joshua, but they were quickly destroyed by House Solari’s navy. Joshua was taken captive, and is presumed to be on a vessel leaving for Thymeria. Angelo had other reasons from coming to Aspiria, one of them being to align himself with the Elves, to gather information about something he called the Runestone. The Elf Queen Elrohir and her son Giliad came to discuss their alliance with House Solari while Xankresh was still in the presence of Angelo and Blaine. Out of fear of going back to Thymeria, Xankresh gave Angelo the information that the Elf Queen Elrohir refused to give. The fact that she had sent the King to Mount Ursine in search of Quicksilver weapons and her alliance with the Valley. Upon hearing this deceit, Angelo forced Giliad to kill his own mother in order to prove his allegiance and honesty and submission to House Solari. Giliad agreed, and the new King of the Elves pierced his mother's gut. While watching the life fade from her eyes he was not able to finish the task he was commanded to do. Angelo intervened and moved Giliad from his path and showed Giliad and Xankresh the full extent of his power. Kneeling beside her and placing his hand on her head, he removed all of the blood from Elrohir’s body until her skin shrunk completely around her empty muscles and bones.

Angelo and Blaine, now with possession of their Dragon A’Draak, set off towards Mount Ursine on the dragon's back. The Others began to encircle the encampment of House Solair, and thousands of undead began to attack the Solari men. Completely surrounded, Xankresh and Giliad worked together to defend themselves, however they became completely over run. Xankresh was knocked unconscious and fell on the shores of the Dread Sea, filled with Others.


Prince Kodey and Boppip sought to find their companions Arn and Jennifer by climbing Mount Ursine. However, the threat of the dead continued to hinder their ability to look for them as neither travelers were capable of killing the Others. They would have become overwhelmed, if not for the swings of the Quicksilver blades of King James and Arn. James was finally reunited with his brother Kodey, Eira and Jennifer followed close behind and were reunited with the two travelers.


Off in the distance they could see the Army of the Solari on the shores of the Dread Sea. Coming up the mountain path, the Others, and above them in the skies a winged beast not seen before by anyone within the party. A Dragon had returned to Aspiria, carrying two riders to the peak of Mount Ursine. The King, knowing his need to find the Runestone after his encounter with the Sovereign, stated he would rather take his chances against a Dragon than against the Solari and the Others. Asking his companions to join him at the peak of the mountain, all those in the party agreed to follow their King except Boppip Backfire, who was concerned again for his own life and thought it would be better to try to align with House Solari.

Arn was quick to explain the folly of Boppip's thinking. Due to his own encounter with the Sovereign, he knew the need to get the Runestone. Boppip would not accept this as a valid reason and continued to press that they approach House Solari. Threatening to leave Boppip behind, the party set off to the peak of the mountain. Boppip reluctantly followed along, knowing he would likely perish hiking down the mountain alone. They started to reach the top when they encountered a strange man. Covered in Red Scale armor, the man had golden eyes and skin and no hair upon his body. He spoke a broken english and was in search of the King. Upon understanding that the King stood before him, the man revealed his true form, the dragon that soared above them moments earlier.


The party worked together quickly, hoping to defend themselves and slay the dragon. The King, the Prince, and the Squire continued to do combat with the dragon while Jennifer Skinnifer fought with Boppip to encourage him to remain loyal to King James and the Valley. After much combat and consideration the Alchemist agreed to help, fearing that the death of the party would include his own demise. Using Dark Alchemy, Boppip laid King James down and slowly drained some King's Blood with consent from King James to make a Kingsblood grenade. Getting to his feet once again, the King saw an opening provided by the Prince and the Squire and hurled the Kingsblood grenade, killing the first dragon in Aspira for thousands of years.


A bright light burst from the top of Mount Ursine, sending a shock wave that knocked down all party members. Stunned, and slowly getting to their feet, the group noticed the remains of the dragon glowing with white light. The corpse began to reanimate, and soon began to come to life again, similar to the appearance of the Others. The dragon lashed out at the King, grabbing his head with his mighty tail. Pulling with all their might, the rest of the party worked to free King James from the grips of the dragon, only capable of doing so by cutting off the tail with Hrunting. The party then fled to the peak of Mount Ursine to investigate the bright light at the top of the mountain.

Act IV - Hopeless

July 13-14

Bible Study: 1 Peter 1:13-25

The King and Eira continued to find themselves getting into trouble as they traveled closer and closer to Mount Ursine. As the two travelers sat around a fire for the night, they began to hear growing footsteps. Soon a group of people led by a man who was believed dead stood before the them. The King recognized Barrington Bolton and members of the Bolton family surrounding them. Barrington was a wanted murderer and rapist who had been exiled into the Whitewoods after being caught during the Bolton Revolt ten years prior, with the belief that he and the rest of his family would be killed by the dangers of the Whitewoods. Barrington had been looking forward to his encounter with the King, who he and his family had been tracking for days.

Barrington wanted to turn in the King for his bounty, and he revealed to the King that his Queen Teala was the one who had authorized it. Things began to get heated when Barrington made crude comments towards Eira, and the King threatened to cut out the tongue of Barrington. Barrington and the remaining Boltons had failed to take their Wolfsbane Potion on their journey, and the aggression soon revealed their true Werewolf identity. The Bolton Werewolves began to attack the King and Eira, seeking to rip them apart.


King James and Eira fought through the Boltons and started fleeing when King James started hearing voices. These voices led the King to a shack. Inside this shack, three figures appeared before the King and Eira. These beings called themselves The Sovereign. Their sole purpose was to deliver the message of “King’s Blood” to the Great Warrior. The Sovereign spoke to King James and Eira saying, “Go to Mount Ursine, see the Sovereign on Ursine. Only through King’s Blood can the Others be defeated.” After delivering the message to the King and Eira, The Sovereign were then freed from their earthly requirements and vanished.


The Bolton Werewolves had sniffed King James and Eira out and were once again on the hunt. Eira and the King stood their ground in the shack, pushing back the Bolton Pack. Continuing to follow them as they fled, the King struck down one Bolton after another until Barrington was one of the last ones remaining. King James offered a deal with Barrington, who was now shifting back and forth between human and wolf as he had actually taken half of a Wolfsbane Potion. Blinded with anger for the death of his family, Barrington refused and charged at the King, who struck Barrington down with a mighty blow. King James executed Barrington where he laid. Mourning the death of their leader, the few remaining Boltons launched one last barrage which was quickly defeated, but not before the King and Eira were scratched by the remaining Boltons. These scratches immediately infected the King and Eira with Lycanthropy Disease, and without continual Wolfsbane Potions, the two could eventually become wolves as well.

Banners of the Unicorn flew high over the bay of the Ravenswood ruins. The once great House of the Wrights, believed to be dead due to their rebellion against the Crown now has its banners flying again alongside the Rat Banner of Nox. Prince Kodey, Lord Commander Joshua, Jennifer and Arn had just woken up the day after their combat with a Troll, the death of Divan the Exile, and the loss of Prince Kodey’s hand. The Nomad was nowhere to be found. The Prince, poisoned by Troll’s Blood, was in need of a cure, his arm turning to stone as they spoke with one another. The Lord Commander decided to head down to the bay alone in search of answers, and he soon found them. He crept stealthily towards the men in the bay. He saw Bryn of House Nox had just defeated a pirate crew, led by Xankresh Avani, and was preparing to execute the criminals.

Nox had offered Xankresh’s party the ability to work for him if they could kill their captain. Xankresh’s former crew gladly jumped at the opportunity. The Lord Commander, unable to sit by while an unfair fair fight took place jumped in with the hopes to even it out. Bryn called off the Pirates, soon to be met by a joyful woman. Freyja Wright, the maternal Aunt of Joshua was ecstatic to see her nephew, but Joshua had no knowledge of who she was. Freyja worked to convince Joshua of his need to join the Rebellion and gave Joshua the task of delivering the Hellfire Beast to Mount Ursine. Joshua then realized what the pirates had brought on their ship. Dragons had returned to Aspiria.

Prince Kodey traveled north with Jennifer and Arn. The party worked diligently to get the Prince north to find the alchemist Boppip Backfire, hoping that he would be able to cure the infection before the Prince turned to stone. Along the way, they were met by a war party of Kuhl grieving the death of Divan the Exile. They continually stated “Oji” which means Prince, believing that Prince Kodey was the one who killed Divan. After a greatly difficult time attempting to use diplomacy with a people who spoke broken English, the Prince was able to understand what they wanted, and send the Kuhl's sound towards Divan’s body in Ravenswood. The ring that Prince Kodey had found in Ravenswood had been sitting on the finger of Jennifer of House Skinnifer. The voices forced Jennifer to leave the party and travel in a different direction. She was quickly pursued by Prince Kodey and Arn, trying to free her from the ring.


Lucius and Boppip had been unable to escape the deadlands. For a week, they had been traveling in circles and were completely blown away that Stellaluna was able to leave. As they continued to try to leave the Deadlands, a tower appeared along with three spirits. Two of the spirits guarded a sword close to the Tower, the other, a Great Spirit, forced the two travelers to engage in his riddles. Once they were able to answer the riddles correctly, the Great Spirit prepared a potion in which Boppip and Lucius drank, and the Great Spirit left them. As soon as they drank, they heard a commotion heading hastily towards them through the forest behind them.

Out of the woods came Jennifer Skinnifer, followed by Prince Kodey and Arn, all bearing straight for Lucius and Boppip. The Great Spirit Lucius and Boppip had answered riddles for moments earlier reappeared and beckoned Jennifer to himself, asking for the ring. Unable to resist, she gave the Great Spirit the ring, and the spirit’s form was altered. Everyone saw him now as an essence of light, except for Prince Kodey. To the Prince, he appeared as Hunter Felix, a previous owner of the ring. The last fragments of Hunter’s soul that clung to the ring now sought to stop the Great Spirit from killing the Prince and his party. Hunter Felix’s soul was able to harm the Great Spirit before being defeated for good. Despite the harm, the Great Spirit gained more power now that it had full control of the ring.  

The stone on the Prince had now grown over half of his body. Boppip and Jennifer worked together diligently to stop it from spreading and to heal the Prince. Boppip, using his minimal recollection of Dark Alchemy, began to forge a new hand for the Prince in order to stop the poison. Lucius and Arn fought the spirits back, protecting Jennifer and Boppip while they worked. However, soon the entire party became overwhelmed by the Great Spirit and fell unconscious to his might. The Great Spirit took this opportunity to stop them from healing the Prince and smashed in the skull of Jennifer Skinnifer. Regaining some consciousness, Lucius and Arn saw the body of Jennifer and went into a rage, fighting the spirit off. Boppip too regained consciousness and using the blood of a companion, Jennifer Skinnifer, finished the process of forging the arm for the Prince. For the first time since the family sword had been taken from the Prince, Kodey now wielded his sword with two hands. Prince Kodey and Boppip joined Lucius and Arn’s fury of the loss of their companion and were able to defeat the Great Spirit together.


The souls collected in the ring since the first generation of the Watkins' line were captured in the ring worn by Jennifer. When she gave her life in an attempt to save the Prince, the dark magic of the ring was destroyed, shattering the ring that rested on her finger and bringing her back to life. Lucius, now able to take the stone sword that the two guardian spirits protected, shattered the mystical barrier that kept them from leaving the Deadlands.

As Prince Kodey, Arn, Boppip, Jennifer, and Lucius headed out, Lucius began to fade the further he got past the Deadlands barrier he had just shattered. Thousands of spirits appeared, refused to let him leave, saying, “You belong with us, Doombringer.” The rest of the party struggled furiously to free Lucius from the spirits’ grasp. Lucius, realizing he was unable to leave, gave himself over to the spirits of the Deadlands. He tried to comfort his party in his last breath, saying, “If I am going to die, I will die on my own terms.” With his devastated party looking on, he disappeared with the spirits into nothingness.

Act III - The Ring

June 29-30

Bible Study: 1 Peter 1:1-12

Bryar of the Ursine met with Beowulf the Giant. They had a counsel with Bryn of House Nox, who was sent by the Queen to assign the next task for the rebellion. Bryar was to travel to the Whitewoods and beat the King to an alliance with the Elves. Beowulf, using racial slurs like long ears, agreed that aligning with the Elves could potentially help the rebellion get ahead.

In an attempt to get rid of the growing threat that is Bryar the last Ursine, Astrid of the Narbog was sent to assure the death of Bryar if the danger of the Whitewoods did not kill her first. While in the Whitewoods, Bryar was separated by Astrid. A very formidable foe met the Ursine in the Whitewoods before they arrived at the city of the Elves. Undead enemies, known as the Others, hungry for flesh sought to rip the Narbog warriors apart. The walking skeletons and rotting flesh continued to pursue the Ursine until she was one of the last warriors left. 

Hearing the screams of terror, the King and Eira, who were also seeking to pursue an alliance with the Whitewoods, came to aid whoever was in danger. Boppip Backfire had abandoned the party of the King the previous night, hoping to return to his dear friend Arn. After seeing destruction come to Castle Canius, he feared for his friend's life and sought safety away from the King. With a hope to continue staying on relatively good terms with King James and Eira, he left them a gift of 3 Drakes. King James was completely unaware of who he was defending and sought to kill the enemies of his enemy, cleaving one after another in half, but these Others would not die, and continued getting back up to attack again despite debilitating wounds. Bryar was quick to fight the King even in the face of the dead. They were able to hold up in an abandoned stronghold getting out of the face of danger momentarily. In the stronghold the King sought to understand who he just protected. Bryar was quick to educate the King of the enemy he had before him. While tensions rose inside the stronghold the Others began to break through the stronghold.

Moments later, a man and a woman wearing white masks with long noses fired arrows completely killing the Others. Eira dropped to her knees to honor the two that came to the rescue of the King. She was aware that before them was the Elf Queen Elrohir and her son Giliad. Elrohir was aware of the presence of the King and Eira as well as the entire party of Bryar and the spears of the Narbog. She approached the King with respect and gentleness, asking that he would quest for the legendary Quicksilver weapons. Her people were on the brink of extinction as a result of the growing army of the Others. With the reality that soon the dead would inhabit the world the King and Bryar begrudgingly put aside their differences, vowing to protect one another to defeat the greater danger to the realm.

Cutting through the pines, and shooting for the Valley, Boppip unknowingly entered into what is known as the Deadlands. This is where Lucius the Wanderer had been aimlessly searching. Hearing voices just before leaving the Party of Prince Kodey, Lucius had been in the Deadlands for two weeks, listening to the voices in his head for direction. Boppip and Lucius ran into opposition instantly upon seeing one another. Stellaluna, the captive they took in the Marshlands who had escaped, stood before them holding them at arrowpoint. The three of them became overwhelmed by voices, which led to much conflict. Stellaluna, who was already on edge, believed it was being done by Boppip. They both soon realized that Lucius was the cause of the voices.

Soon the spirits of the dead became present. Morwen the Dwarven Princess sought after her long-lost love, the one who brought her to her death. She believed that by killing him, she might be released from her enternal prison. Eldagin was the other main spirit who sought to give his brother the truth, that he was not the Great warrior, but the doombringer. Morwen commanded her Dwarven legions to overtake the three travelers, Lucius being the only one able to harm them. Eldigan informed his brother that Ravenswood had been destroyed for years, a result of the White Death. He swore that Lucius was already dead and would soon bring destruction to the world if he were to not find the Great Warrior.

Morwen informed Lucius that he was to blame for her death. The others overwhelmed them, and he was believed to be dead thousands of years ago. Soon, Lucius returned to his wife, only to kill her and his brother. After Lucius killed Morwen and Eldigan they found a piece of parchment with a riddle.

“Wanderer, to seek the truth you must reach the peak of all things. Stones touch the sky. Long Ears are wiser than short ears.
- Raven Sigil”

Taken back by this information, Boppip and Stellaluna were skeptical about traveling with Lucius, but the promise of drakes and Beowulf's favor convinced them to accompany Lucius and the three travelers set out to Mount Ursine hoping to find a mysterious Runestone.

The Lord Commander Joshua led his party, consisting of Prince Kodey and the Squire Arn Urso, through the Blackwoods. Though they were hoping to return to the Valley, in an attempt to escape Felix Stronghold with their lives, they went further south. Along their travels they encountered a band of sellswords called the Pyro Pectus led by a deep southerner named Meredith. Meredith has an unmet desire to own everything in the world. She requested the gear of the Lord Commander's party, their armor, their swords, even their drakes. The Lord Commander refused and noticed the sellswords were riddled with white patches of rotting flesh all over their bodies. At this refusal, Meredith and her guild pursued the party until they reached the ruins of Ravenswood. The Prince, having never traveling so far south was surprised to see the ruined city. Fearful of the loud noises that flooded the air, the sellswords left the Lord Commander and his party in the ruins. The Lord Commander soon came to the grim understanding that they were in Troll Country.

Meanwhile, the Skinnifers and Divan had set out from a stronghold of Nox near Harrows Head in the Blackwoods, taking the Pass of Terror in Dwarvish Gabba Bor. They were met along the way by Bryn of House Nox who brought a man named Nomad. Nomad was a war veteran who fought alongside the Prince, even saving his life in the Bolton Revolt. Along their travels, they too had met Meredith shortly after the Prince. Meredith sold them information about the Lord Commanders party traveling to the ruins of Ravenswood. Divan begged for the return of his friend Bryn to the side of their Queen and Bryn left the party. The party continued towards Ravenswood to search for the Lord Commander's party.

Meredith, still seeking to own everything, came after the Lord Commander again, reconvinced that they had valuables too good to pass up. The Prince had found a treasure chest in her absence, in it was a set of armor and a ring with the sigil of a lion. Another confrontation took place in the ruins of Ravenswood. This fight cost Meredith her life.


Moments later, Divan led the Skinnifers and their prisoner through the Ruins of Ravenswood to Lord Commander Wright. Negotiations took place for Nomad's life in exchange for the Prince. During escalating negotiations, the screams and pounding of a mighty Troll came bursting through the ruined courtyard. Working together to defeat their enemy, they slayed the first Troll in a hundred years. Matthew II revealed his working to infiltrate the Rebellion and secure information for the crown to destroy the rebellion. Divan, taken back by this information refused to join the Crown out of a love for the generosity of the Queen.


Soon, the ring that the Prince found and wore on his left hand took him over, causing him to pass out as a result of the burning pain coming from the ring. The entirety of the group fell to the power of the ring until Nomad and Divan were the only two left conscious. Divan, knowing the dark magic coming from the ring, sought to destroy its hold. But before he could, the misguided Nomad slit the throat of the Exile and cut his head from his shoulders. This was the end of the Queen's Magician, warrior of the Kuhl.


After seeing the death of Divan had no effect, he acted somewhat quickly to save his fallen friend Prince Kodey by cutting off Kodey's hand to remove the ring. The Skinnifers, the Squire, and the Lord Commander cauterized the wound and removed the Prince from the courtyard in a hope to flee to safety from the coming Trolls.

Act II - Alliances

May 4-5

Lord Commander Prince Kodey returned with his party to The Valley, meeting King James II at the Red Keep. Here Prince Kodey was demoted from his title of Lord Commander and given the responsibility of a Lion Guard. Joshua Wright was then given the title of Lord Commander, denouncing his Warden duties. Arn Urso was given the honor of becoming squire to Prince Kodey. Boppip Backfire and Eira Sigmundsdotter were reassigned by King James II to be his escorts through the Pines. The Merchant, who was the interest of Beowulf the giant, was nowhere to be found upon entering The Valley.

The Queen's council, Divan the Exile, sought to warn the King and Prince Kodey's party against the coming battle against the Marshlands. After some confrontation with the Prince, Divan was dismissed from the counsel. In a hope to keep his allies close, the King sent the Prince to the grieving father of House Felix. Here, Kodey was given the task of delivering the head of Lord Felix’s son and to keep the alliance with the powerful house.

In the Prince’s council was his new squire Arn and the new Lord Commander Joshua of House Wright tasked with bringing the Prince back alive. Upon entering Cobblestone in the Blackwoods, the Prince gained an audience with Lord Felix. Lord Felix had heard rumors of his son’s death and the rumors were soon proved to be true as the grieving father decided to take the head of Prince Kodey. Joshua, being loyal to his orders from King James II to bring the Prince back alive, refused to allow Kodey to surrender. They fought and escaped the stronghold nearly losing their lives.

Meanwhile, Matthew II met with Beowulf the Giant, moments after the escape of the Lord commander from the Marshlands. Here, he heard the news of the arranged marriage of his sister Jennifer Skinnifer to Beowulf the Giant. Jennifer was being very outspoken against the arranged marriage and Matthew II was very adamant in making Beowulf rest assured that Jennifer would see the need for their House’s union together. House Skinnifer had now completely given themselves over to the rebellion against the crown. Beowulf announced the alliance with the House Felix, due to Lord Felix blaming the Prince for the death of his son.

Bagnar of House Ok bestowed unto Matthew II the Sword of Prince Kodey with the hope that it would take the life of its previous master. Beowulf requested that Matthew II leave for the Blackwoods to meet with an unnamed ally. With very little information on who he was meeting, Matthew II gladly took on the task in exchange for the traveling companionship of his sister Jennifer. Matthew II and Jennifer traveled to meet with this unnamed ally, soon to see it was none other than Queen Teala. The Queen sat with her council, Bryn of House Nox and Divan the Exile along with a few other representatives. There Matthew II and Jennifer were forced to prove their alliance to the rebellion with single combat against the Queen’s chosen warriors. Divan was a very vocal council member of the Queen and sought to root out the motives behind House Skinnifer for their alliance. Sworn to secrecy they were dismissed from the presence of the Queen with a quest to take off the head of Prince Kodey.

While these events transpired, the King took Eira, the woman from the Whitewoods, and Boppip Backfire with him as he traveled through the Pines to the Whitewoods. The King took Boppip with him as a guide as Boppip was a Pines native and familiar with the region, and Eira with him as a token of good favor. The King expressed the trust he had in Eira and requested that she accompany him to make an alliance with her people. The King took his party into the Pines, heading straight for Viktor’s Garden.


The Pines have been dealing with a civil war, those loyal to the crown, and those against it. The King and his party were stopped by a group of bandits who were paid by the rebels. These hired swords had slaughtered those loyal to the crown and now sought the great prize of the King's head. After taking on some of their men, but being overwhelmed with another wave, the King and his party retreated and regrouped to form a strategy to infiltrate the bandits and retrieve information from them.


Later that night, the bandits gathered together in the abandoned tavern, drinking to an assumed victory. The King’s party rushed in and defeated the hired swords easily as they were under the influence of excessive drinking. King James II interrogated one individual as he died and learned of the coming Nikoli Cainus, the younger brother of Viktor Cainus, noble family of the Pines.


Nikoli brought an entire separatist army against his brother Viktor and the King’s party. After an intense struggle by Nikoli’s army against much resistance, they finally broke through the fortress and Viktor ended up sacrificing his own life in a battle against his brother to assure the escape of King James II and his party deeper into the Pines.

Act I - Origins

April 11-12

Bible Study: Ephesians 1

Lord Commander Kodey of House Watkins set out with a party, including two fresh King’s Guard recruits: alchemist Boppip Backfire and his friend Arn Urso, to the Blackwoods. They were being sent on a quest by King James II to retrieve The Valley’s most valuable spy, Hunter of House Felix. Upon arriving at Camp Blackwood, they met with Matthew II of House Skinnifer. In an attempt to smooth the rough relationship with The Valley and the Blackwoods, Matthew II led the party to the entrance of the Marshlands.

Jargon Steel, known enemy of The Valley intercepted the party as they left Camp Blackwood, but his men were quickly killed. Foolishly, Boppip Backfire took Jargon’s sword, which was quickly recognized by more Marshland forces throughout the night. The Lord Commander and his party came across a man who had been believed to be dead, Beowulf the Giant, who bested the party. This is where Kodey of House Watkins lost his family sword. Bryar Pelliccia revealed herself in one-on-one combat with Prince Kodey. She also revealed her hatred of The Valley because of the death of her people and father by the hand of The Valley during the war of Ursine Mountain. She narrowly escaped in the midst of battle after Prince Kodey set his party free to fight the remaining forces off. Kodey was shot in the torso and wounded greatly but was bandaged up by Boppip.

Meanwhile, Eira Sigmundsdotter of the Whitewoods was sent by King James II to aid his brother Kodey in the retrieval of Hunter of House Felix. She was accompanied by a young tribal woman, Stellaluna Ryoko, who claimed to be accompanying her by request of the king. Upon entering the Blackwood, Eira and Stellaluna found a merchant by the name of Lucius the Wanderer, who agreed to lead Eira and Stellaluna through the Blackwoods to the entrance of the Marshlands for a price.

Eira’s party came across the escaped Bryar, who traveled with a rather large party. Stellaluna seemed to have some knowledge of who Bryar was, which caused much conflict between her and Eira.

At the entrance to the Marshlands Eira and Kodey’s parties came together. Prince Kodey was barely able to stand from the injury he had sustained earlier so they made camp for the night. When they awoke, Stellaluna was nowhere to be found.

After entering into the Marshlands, Marshland raiders continued to attack them as they grew closer and closer to the Stronghold of Lord Beowulf. When they finally arrived and met Beowulf, conflict was inevitable. Soon Beowulf revealed they had been keeping and torturing the Hunter of House Felix, and Beowulf killed Hunter on the spot by throwing him in the air and severing his head from his body. Greatly outnumbered and surrounded, Prince Kodey and his party had to make a choice. Beowulf offered safe passage in exchange for Matthew II and Lucius. Willingly, Matthew II joined Beowulf in his stronghold. Lucius, however, pledged allegiance to The Valley. Forced to fight their way from the stronghold, Prince Kodey only managed to retrieve Hunter Felix’s head. During their retreat, the party was confronted by Ragnar of House Ok.

After defeating Ragnar the party was met by his brother Bagnar of House Ok, who nearly bested Prince Kodey’s party with his family sword Dusk, if not for the traps set by Hunter of House Felix before his death and capture. A hallucinogenic gas was released by the triggering of the trap which cause all party members to see what appeared to be the fallen Hunter. Due to this hallucinogenic Bagnar and his men were thrown off their attack and began to fall to Prince Kodey’s party, however reinforcements were on their way. The mages of the Marshlands who practiced dark magic, which was much different from their sister tribe in the Whitewoods, were on their attack. Kodey and his party fled the Marshlands, leaving Bagnar of House Ok.

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