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The Dwarven race was the first of all creation. Dwarves pride themselves on their crafting abilities and high intellect. Masters of Science and technology, Dwarves seek to make life simpler by even the smallest inventions. Dwarves have a deep hatred of the Elven race, and would actually prefer a Half Orc over an Elf. All things magic confuse and frustrate the Dwarf if forced to use or interact with it. Dwarves are unable to play magical classes like Mages and Clerics. The Dwarven race gets the Fine Crafts ability.

General Alignment: Neutral

Excels In: Crafting Classes

Phenotype: Eye covering or shading such as goggles or a hat

Fine Crafts

Dwarves work towards being the most proficient in any class they play. You are able to add +2 Seconds to any 1 ability. This is to allow for damage and status effects to meet their intended marks.

Dwarf (half)

Half Dwarves are very often hard to come by. Many times Dwarves remain within their own Race. Half Dwarves are often looked down upon by Dwarven society, but they are not absolutely shunned as is the case for many half races.  In the off chance that one is a Half Dwarf, they have no limitations on Classes. Capable of using magic, however is not proficient. They take a -1 to damage output of magic abilities for every second spell you cast. Half Dwarves have the Racial ability Blood of Durin.

General Alignment: Neutral

Excels In: Martial Classes

Phenotype: Black marking around eyes

Blood of Durin

Half Dwarves gain a +1 permanently to any one ability of their choosing. This could be used for Utility charges or seconds to elongate the ability.


Elves from Aspiria are unable to leave Aspira. However the Elves of Thymeria can come and go as they please. Elves were the creation of the Dwarves, who are extremely intune with magical abilities. Elves stick with Magical classes,with the exception of the Ranger class. They are not able to be a Crafting class. Dwarves and Elves have been at war with one another for generations, since their very creation. In the event that a Elf encountered a Dwarf, they would not be able to contain themselves with lashing out towards them. Not only do Elves have excellent eyesight, being able to see perfectly at night, and at great distances, Elves also have the ability Might of Valinor.

General Alignment: Lawful Good / Chaotic Evil

Excels In: Magic Classes

Phenotype: Pointed elvish ears

Might of Valinor

The Might of Valinor racial ability allows for Elves to add a + 1 to all magic abilities Utilities.

Elf (Half)

Half Elves are greatly looked down upon by Dwarves, Men, and even Elves. You can tell a Half Elf by the markings all over their bodies. They have tattoo like markings mostly black in color, some believe it is to symbolize their sin. Half Elves can play any class, however due to their Elven Natures, they excel at Magical classes. Half Elves get the Racial Ability Genus Dryadalis.

General Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Excels In: Magic / Martial Classes

Phenotype: Black tribal markings on face and body, pointed elvish ears

Genus Dryadalis

When playing a magical class, Half Elves gain a +1 to one Magic Utility.. When playing a Marital Class, Half Elves gain a +2 to HP.


Humans are the most common of all races. The third in all of creation, and the Lord of Lights Imago Dei. Humans are capable of taking on  any class they please. Humans are the most common of all races in Aspiria and Thymeria, and are the least likely race to face any racial bias. Humans can play any class.

General Alignment: Lawful Neutral / Chaotic Neutral

Excels In: All Classes

Phenotype: Regular human features


The Kuhl are a plant like people. Many signs of the Kuhl are leaves, and green / yellow like skin. Typically the Kuhl are seldom seen. There use to be a Garden in Thymeria, however it is unclear if it still remains since the Dragon Lords took over. The Kuhl must return to their Garden in order to regain all of their strength. In Aspiria, their Garden is called Kenissa. The Thymerian Garden was known as Hortus. Because of their intune abilities with Nature, the Kuhl play mainly magical classes, staying away from the Martial classes. They gain the Ability Photosynthesis.

General Alignment: Neutral

Excels In: Magic Classes (Healers)

Phenotype: Green/yellow accent on face, leaves or garnish on the body


Photosynthesis allows any Kuhl to communicate with fellow members of the Kuhl by simply touching the earth with both hands. As well, with both hands rooted into the ground, the Kuhl are able to heal themselves for +4 HP by absorbing the nutrients from Kanissa / Hortus which has gathered energy from the Sun. They must chant the words Yùhé (You-He) for 4 seconds. If damaged, you only gain HP for as long as you were chanting.


The Orc race is primarily a fighter race. Orcs do not dabble much in magic, or crafting, they would rather see a mans skull caved in with their bare hands. Orcs are also exclusive races to Thymeria. Orcs are normally only seen at night, for they are the most powerful in the Darkness. When Orcs die, they leave behind a stone husk of their former selves. The Orc race gets the Armor of Gunmar Racial Ability.

General Alignment: Evil

Excels In: Martial Classes

Phenotype: Green/black face paint, lower fangs, long finger nails

Armor of Gunmar

When playing classes with Armor Class requirements, you gain all of the health benefits without wearing the required armor. Orc Knight would normally wear Armor Class 2 but is now only required Armor class 1, with all of the health bonuses of AC2.  In the event that you are wearing the top class of Armor, gain an additional +2 HP.

ORC (Half)

Half Orcs are greatly looked down upon by all races. This is due to the nature of how a Half Orc has come into the world. Most Orcs Rape and pillage. Any Half Orc is a result of a horrible beginning. Due to this, the racial stigma is great, although it is not the Half Orc’s fault he is a result of such violence, the Half Orc is blamed. However, Half Orcs have a great Racial Ability, Line of Bular.

General Alignment: Neutral

Excels In: All Classes

Phenotype: Some blue face paint, lower fangs, long finger nails

Line of Bular

The Line of Bular ability allows Half orcs to have 1 Skill point for an Ability upgrade to spend as they please at Level 1, instead of waiting till level 2 for an Ability upgrade. You do not gain a level 2 Skill point, if you use it at level 1.

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