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Armor is a defensive characteristic used to boost a character's hit points. It requires a specific type of armor to be worn to active that bonus. Different classes have restrictions on what armor they can wear.


Affected players can no longer see and must shut their eyes for the duration of the blind.

Circle (Close)

Circular area around an object or player with a radius of approximately three feet.

Circle (Medium)

Circular area around an object or player with a radius of approximately five feet.


Removes all debuffs.

Combat Advantage

Player may run behind someone without them being able to interrupt or turn around until the flank is complete.


Affected players act as if dizzy, unaware of what’s going on and have trouble understanding others. They are still able to defend themselves, though they are not as graceful.


Each Crafting Class must craft their abilities in order to use them. Crafting an ability will take two seconds and each player who crafts must take a knee to do so. Damage can be taken when crafting. For every ability you craft, add two seconds, time only starts when your knee hits the ground. You may only craft an ability once, and must use that ability before you can craft it again.


A strike enhancement, struck limbs become unusable until healed. A crippling strike to the torso slows movement.

Double Damage

Strikes deal twice the damage they would without the enhancement.


Player goes insane and attack all players nearby.


Player may run behind someone without them being able to interrupt or turn around until the flank is complete.

Given Ability

Abilities you acquire instantly from choosing the class the abilities are associated with.


Restores HP instantly.

Hit Points (HP)

Your player's health measured in how many hits you can take before becoming unconscious. Can also refer to how much damage your ability deals to others.


Damage dealt affects the striker instead of the defender. Negated by Penetration/Shield Bash.


Target gains 1 HP per second over whatever period the regeneration lasts. When hit in a strike zone, the Regen effect is canceled. Gain HP, depending on how long you go without being hit in a strike zone.


Opposite of Root. Affected player can not attack, defend, cast spells, etc. but can run around.


Brings a player back into play from an unconscious state, typically with reduced health.​ Caster can take damage while attempting to revive. Lay hands on an unconscious player, after 10 seconds the unconscious player is conscious with half health.


Same effect as Immobilize. Restricts movement but allows a person to still attack, defend, cast spells, etc.


Any player who is taunted is unable to attack other players for whatever the duration of time listed is within the skill.


Stops all abilities instantaneously and prevents their casting for the duration of the silence. If an ability was being charged or in effect, then it is canceled.

Special Ability

Abilities that are chosen from class to class as specified.

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