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Divan the Exile






Lawful Evil

Health Points


Passive Skills


Active Skills

Chaos Blast

Single use, deal double damage to all players in small blast radius from mage

About the Character


Divan is one who looks out for himself, because if he can’t overcome his own weaknesses and fight for his convictions, he’s worthless. He’s more than happy to help if it can be to his own benefit, and can be bribed if he doesn’t see one.


Searching for Kanissa, trying to understand the world, making money where he can

Greatest Ally


Greatest Virtues

becoming forgotten, "pick yourself up and be counted among those who are forgotten and lost to time, as it is your refuge from the storms."

Greatest Animosities

Pride, those who become arrogant in their own skills and blinded to how far they have yet to go, or are so blinded by their own appreciation of themselves are bound to be killed or dethroned. While Divan respects those who can have a genuine appreciation of themselves and see their own faults, he can’t bear those who are too ignorant of what faults they have.

Greatest Fear

weakness, he already lost his love to the Blackwoods, he doesn’t want to lose anything else, and he knows that if he’s strong enough or has the right amount of money or connections, he can get her back.


The Kul are a native culture within the Grasslands, before the Invaders caused many tribes to be uprooted from their ancestral lands they were known for medicine and long living due to their odd herbal territory. Such a place is now lost to them within the Western Valley. So in recent generations they have, like most of the natives, become more militant in their ways and this has given a different connotation to their namesake.


They are known to be unforgiving of failure and force their offspring to drink supplemental potions and mixtures to turn them into warriors for the cause, killing the Valley. This in conjunction with a strict childhood, transforms even the most optimistic and bright eyed youngsters. In this they become murderers and savages.


Divan was not what he was meant to be, he was born with inherit magical affinity, something the tribe had attempted to breed out. For this he was given no supplements, but instead his abilities were meant to be suppressed and his strict training was even tougher on his body than that of his peers, he would be a failure, cannon fodder in the wars to come.


As he came into his body at the onset of puberty he became more aware of his own suppressed talents. They were weakened and sickly because of the druggings and thus he only felt it as an odd defection. He was no warrior, yes he could still fight but he was not of the others. He was human, however this was not a bad thing, as he saw what the upbringing had done to the others in their coming of age. They were monsters…..terrible monsters; he gave thanks for his ‘defect’ that he had not been molded like them.


He would be assigned a raiding partner, same as the others so as not to draw his suspicions he was merely a sacrifice. Her name was Kanissa, but he knew her as Neessa and he was known as Diiva under their raiding names. She too was a failure, her aspect had been of intelligence, and so she had been drugged the same. She felt that the inklings of intelligence were just defects coming to light, but she was much like Divan who thanked them for not turning her into a monster.


They would be sent on a mission they were not meant to survive, and yet they did, they had been sent to assassinate a Blackwoods trader traveling through the borders. They got captured easily, they weren't stronger or faster or really even that well trained. They had failed in every regard during their upbringing, they were human children just beginning to grow into puberty which meant growth spurts, new emotions, and a range of ordeals usually suppressed in their peers.


They became prisoners of war, forced into hardships, but they were alive and with one another. So it didn’t bother them quite as much as it should’ve because of their attachment to one another. Over the years as Divan and Kanissa grew, as people and for each other, they also learned of their abilities. These were noticed and when the two were eighteen, they were forcibly driven apart.

Kanissa’s skills could be molded into alchemy given the right tutelage and she could be an asset to the Blackwoods to get a leg up on the Valley. However Divan’s raw power was not as useful, and he was to be used as a prisoner exchange with the Grasslands. Even though the two had grown and become stronger, they weren't strong enough to hold onto one another. Kanissa was drugged and carried off, and Divan was beaten senseless until he couldn’t fight back any farther. His wounds were treated, and he was dragged away to be given up to a War Party in exchange for a well to do merchant.


He would spend the next six months being run like a dog in that war party, trying not to die and essentially being a mere piece of equipment as all failures were. He lived with other men like him. Cripples, ignorants, criminals, deserters; people deemed failures of their tribes who were marked with their afflictions. Divan was to be marked, but they had no mark for a prisoner who had just been a sacrifice of their own people.


One fateful night, the failures had devised a plan to kill their overseers and stage a coup. Everyone outside of Divan participated, who had just given up and resigned himself to his fate, or at least seemed to have. They got as far as killing the Overseer and rushing the other warriors before the screaming began as they were taken apart. However Divan had snuck away, believing that since they would be busy killing the others they wouldn’t notice the last one had just let everyone else become a distraction for him to make his escape.


He was correct, and he made it back into the Blackwoods, since then he’s been attempting to make enough money to track down Kanissa. He managed to find the merchant he was traded for, said merchant happened to be an arms dealer and had attachments to the ruling authority, so that was how he made a case for his exchange.


Divan offered to work under him as a bodyguard, he knew the minimums about how to fight and carry himself, and while his primal power was still not yet focused, it could be molded and handled as time went on. The merchant agreed, giving him a trial run of three months, in which time he stopped several scumbags and even helped make a deal for an ore shipment by being scary looking as leverage. This was good enough for a passing C grade under the merchant’s system.


Since then he’s been running around, trying to do everything he can do improve upon himself and find his way to Kanissa. One of the hardest parts is that they more than likely changed her name and if they knew that someone was looking for an alchemist, they’d be making sure she wasn’t found. Over the years Divan has come to be known under the title of Silvers for his dedication to his boss’s organization. While he’s not exactly at the top, others have come and surpassed him on numerous occasions, he shows himself to always be at least in the mixture and not failing at what he’s given.


In other words, Divan gets it done, he just doesn’t have the traits to go above and beyond.


Divan is a man of pain and loss. He works with others so that he can hopefully come out better when the time comes. He hopes he can rebuild what he’s lost, and not lose more in the process as he moves ever closer in his goal. For now he will continue to look out for his own skin, and try to get the strength and the influence he needs to complete what he set out to do.

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