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Dragoons make use of Battle Auras​ to supplement their lack of armor and magic. They do best on their own instead of partnered with others in a party. Their skills reflect this as a condition of a desire for self perfection.



Dragoons may only wear armor from Class 1.

Weapon Recommendations

Dragoons typically wield short swords, shields, spears, or other two-handed weapons.

Tier 1

Given Abilities

Dragoon Mind Trick

You have strengthened and tuned your mind to tap into the mind others. You can hear thoughts at times, and even influence others around you. Influence one enemy within a medium circle of you for 5 seconds and have them do whatever you want them to do. Only works on Minions of humanoid nature; beasts and other creatures are not affected. Utility: 2

Dual Wield

Dragoons train all parts of their bodies and are able to wield 2 weapons simultaneously. This ability only carries over to Dragonborn Dragoon in Tier 2.

Special Abilities (Choose One)

Aura of Berserk

The Dragoon cannot be affected by status effects for 10 seconds then fall unconscious. Utility: 2

Aura of Control

The Dragoon cleanses any status effects active on them, then they regenerate 1 HP per second for 7 seconds. Utility: 1

Aura of Domination

The Dragoon taunts enemies in medium circle around themself for 10 seconds, forcing their enemies to attack them. Utility: 1

Tier 2



“For those of clear hearts and minds, void of emotion.”

Clairvoyant Dragoons claim to know the future and have a skill set capable of utilizing that knowledge. Though many doubt the legitimacy of the practices of Clairvoyants, they aid parties in unique ways no others can. Can they really see the future or are they just hyper-intuitive? Does it matter?

Given Abilities

Keenly Aware

Clairvoyant Dragoons and their party can never be ambushed and will be given a 10 second warning before encountering attackers if they are conscious.

Third Eye

Clairvoyant Dragoons are immune to blind and confusion effects.

Special Abilities (Choose One)

War Prophecy

Predicting a favorable outcome for a battle raises morale and boosts all allies max HP by +2 for the battle.

Mind over Matter

Pain is a purely a physical construct that Clairvoyant Dragoons have trained themselves to ignore through disembodiment, or so they claim. Become Immune to all damage for 5 seconds unless the damage dealt is enough to completely deplete your current HP. Utility: 3

Psychic Pattern

Clairvoyant Dragoons can sit with their legs crossed in the middle of battle for 8 consecutive seconds without taking damage to analyze enemies fight patterns. If they take damage, they lose focus and must start again. For the duration of the Psychic Pattern, they are unable to attack, defend, or speak. If successful, all allies gain +1 damage and reflect all hits for 10 seconds. Utility: 2



“For those who choose to give into their emotions to become powerful.”

Legend has it that there are those who are born of the dragon and exhibit the abilities of them. These Dragonborn Dragoons strengthen these abilities through intense training and focusing of them. The training of their abilities have brought out the utmost power and emotion of the dragon, but this power comes with the cost of their vitality.

Given Abilities

Endurance of the Dragon

Because of the nature of the dragon abilities they exhibit, the Dragonborn Dragoon's endurance and vitality is naturally more than the average person’s. The Dragonborn Dragoon gets +5 to max health.

Dragon's Intimidation

The Dragonborn Dragoon has a intimidating presence wherever they are and are not afraid to use it to their gain. The Dragonborn Dragoon can use this presence in battle and role play to intimidate their targets into submission. Influence one enemy within a medium range of you. For 10 seconds and have them do whatever you want them to do. Unlike the standard Dragoon, Dragonborn Dragoon can influence beasts and other creatures. Utility: 2

Blood for Blood

The Dragonborn Dragoon looks out for them self in battle, and have developed the art of focusing their draconic powers into a self healing that instantly restores their vitality. The Dragonborn Dragoon are only able to heal themselves when they are below half health with Blood for Blood, and they are not able to receive health from others. This must be activated by the Dragonborn Dragoon and heals for half of their max health. Utility: 2​

Special Abilities (Choose One)

Dragon's Flame

Deal 2 magic fire damage at range. The first 3 magic projectiles are free, but each additional Utility after them costs 2 HP from the user.

Dragon's Roar

The roar of a dragon has been known to have power enough behind it to knockback the toughest of warriors. The Dragonborn Dragoon can channel this ferocity into their own roar at a price. Knockback all other players within a small circle of the Dragonborn Dragoon and deal 2 damage to all knocked back. The Dragonborn Dragoon takes 2 damage upon use.

Instill Fear

Lose health of Dragonborn's choosing to restrict and silence on hit for quarter of the chosen amount of health. (8 health sacrifice = 2 seconds of restrict and silence) Up to 3 enemies can be affect by one use.



"For those who walk the line between peace and power within.”

A Champion Dragoon is the continuation of the mental powers of a Dragoon with the addition of heavier armor. Champion Dragoons work towards a higher defense and a greater focus on the workings of the mind. They provide a greater coverage, while buffing allies as well.



Champion Dragoons may only wear armor from Class 2.

Given Abilities


Special Abilities (Choose One Pathway)

Pathway: Paragon of Sovereignty

The Paragon of Sovereignty is in complete control their body and mind. Their cool demeanor and battlefield calculation is a boon to themselves and their party.

1. Second Wind - On activation all party members receive a Regen effect and are healed for 2 HP per second for 3 seconds. Utility: 3
2. Eminence - If the Dragoon Champion is the last person on the battlefield, on activation they can revive one party member instantly to full health on touch. Utility: 1
3. Unity - All party members have +3 total HP
4. Absolute Power - All party members gain +1 damage for 10 seconds. Utility: 1

Pathway: Spirit of Conquest

The Champion Dragoon with the Spirit of Conquest.

1. Unrelenting Assault - All party members do +1 base damage for 5 seconds. Does not stack with other abilities. Utility: 2
2. Subjugation - Root all enemies for 5 seconds facing Champion. Utility : 3
3. Domination - One enemy takes +1 damage from all party members until they are downed. Utility: 1
4. Belligerent Strike - Next attack does +2 damage. Utility: 2


Pathway: Freedom from Madness

The Champion Dragoon forsakes their own will for complete freedom. The burden of self-control, meditation and regard for their allies is relinquished for unparalleled power.

1. Descent into Madness - Upon reaching 1 HP, the Champion Dragoon drops their guard and activates all of their abilities. Utility: 1
2. Slaughter Them - Double Damage for 5 seconds. Utility: 3
3. Unflinching - Attacks apply Cripple and the Champion Dragoon has immunity to Cripple. Both effects last for 5 seconds. Utility: 2
4. Bloodthirsty Blade - Attacks heal for damage dealt for 5 seconds. Utility: 3

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