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The Elemental has been around since the dawn of Dragons. Dragons were the first to be able to harness the power of the elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air) and the Elementals were not far behind them. The job of an Elemental was to be a shepherd to the Dragons, to guide and protect them by manipulating the elements around them. In this, they were able to understand the properties of the elements and how they could be used in both offensive and defensive circumstances. Elementals are few in number these days, one hasn’t reported to have been born since the end of generation one. This is due to the rise of the Dragonlords, and the exile of the Elementals who intentionally imposed a long slumber on themselves until an appointed time. The Dragonlords were elementals who were given a gift of  the tongue, following after their master Dominus, they would soon go on to tame Dragons. Elementals have characteristics that resemble dragons. Fangs, claws, colored skin are all markings that distinguish an elementals. This is because of their intune draconic nature, with their lack of need to speak the draconic words of each element and their ability to channel and element on command elementals are fierce opponents whose looks also give much to be afraid of.



Elementals may only wear armor from Class 1.

Weapon Recommendations

Elementals typically wield short sword, daggers, small axes, foam hands, hammers, or other one-handed weapons.

Tier 1

Given Abilities

Element (Choose One)

Fire - burn damage 2 seconds

Water - Immobilize for 5 seconds

Earth - Restrict for 5 seconds

Air - Silence for 5 seconds

Basic Attack

Element chosen is able to be used as blasts or cloaked around hands or weapons. Channel your Element and use it to your fullest potential. Status effects not applied with basic attack. (Approved projectile must be used for blasts.)

Special Abilities (Choose One)

Enhanced Blast/Cloak

The enhanced blast/cloak allows for the Elemental to send out a devastating attack or a defensive cloak. Blast deals status effect (different for each element) and AOE damage (damage is based off of basic attack scaling). Cloak can be used as a temporary armor shield on target.

Cloak can be applied to self adding 5 HP. Utility: 2

Weapon Element Engulfment (Applies to self, ally, or enemy.) Weapon does double damage plus the status effect of the chosen element. Utility: 2

Elemental Barrier

The user focuses their energy and creates a massive defensive barrier out of chosen element. This roots the user, but they are able to shield themselves and their allies (if close to user) with a 10 HP barrier. Utility: 3

Elemental Rage

The user goes in a focus that makes their movements resemble the ancient dragons, giving off a draconic aura. Movements are more precise and calculated making their every move deadly. Deals double damage for 5 seconds and does AOE status damage of chosen element to those in close proximity to target. The first rage is free, but more rages can be used at the cost of 3 HP per use since the focus state takes a toll on the body when over used.

Tier 2



"For those becoming that which they had sworn to protect."

The Elemental Acolyte sacrifices physical endurance for spiritual discipline. Suppressing the darkness inside themselves they are able to project a draconic force to defeat their enemies. They battle with a weapon or shield in one hand and a spell in the other.


Element (Based on Tier 1)

Lightning - 2 Damage and 2 second paralysis. Replaces Tier 1: Fire. Utility: 2

Ice - 2 Damage Immobilize for 2 seconds. Replaces Tier 1: Water. Utility: 2

Metal - Able to manipulate the fine ore in metals such as doors, metal weapons (only manipulated during explicit roleplay) excluding quicksilver, building with metal in the architecture, or even jewelry/armor. Can use offensively or defensively. Only able to be used defensively in combat, the metal used grants a 5 HP shield and then is unusable when broken. Replaces Tier 1: Earth. Utility: 2

Shadow Step - Vanishes into the air, carried quickly by the wind. Allows the user to move throughout the battlefield without being able to take damage for 10 seconds. Replaces Tier 1: Air. Utility: 2

Special Abilities (Choose One)

Dragon Claws

On activation, the enemy's next attack Reflects. Must dual wield weapons or a two handed great weapon. Utility: 3


Upon death, all allies are healed for 5 HP.

Dragon Purifier

Scapegoat - Choose 1 ally before battle; The Dragon Purifier takes damage instead. Effect ends upon death or touch. Can die from excess damage. Damage sustained from scapegoat is added to a damage counter, which can be released in 1 attack (up to 4 damage). Utility: 2





"For those still seeking peace, which was the way of the Dragon."

Those who have come to terms with their own existence can rest assured that there is boundless potential trapped within the humanoid form, if only one is to move past selfish ideals and attachments, and come closer to the truth. Monks are those who have opened up the gateway towards enlightenment and are rewarded in kind with new outlooks.


Element (Based on Tier 1)

Lightning - 2 damage and 2 second paralysis. Replaces Tier 1: Fire. Utility: 2

Ice - 2 damage Immobilizes for 2 seconds. Replaces Tier 1: Water. Utility: 2

Metal - Able to manipulate the fine ore in metals such as doors, metal weapons (only manipulated during explicit roleplay) excluding quicksilver, building with metal in the architecture, or even jewelry/armor. Can use offensively or defensively. Only able to be used defensively in combat, the metal used grants a 5 HP shield and then is unusable when broken. Replaces Tier 1: Earth. Utility: 2

Shadow Step - Vanishes into the air, carried quickly by the wind. Allows the user to move throughout the battlefield without being able to take damage for 10 seconds. Replaces Tier 1: Air. Utility: 2

Given Abilities

Balanced, As All Things Should Be

You are balanced as all things should be. Immunity to Knockback.


 As long as they are in character, people take them more seriously because of their enlightenment.

Special Abilities: Ki (Choose One)

Ki Focus

Take half damage for 10 seconds. Utility: 2

Ki Strike

Next strike deals triple damage. Utility: 1

Ki Agility

Immune to damage for 10 seconds to gain combat advantage. Can't attack during this time from focusing on dodging. Utility: 3

Special Abilities: Technique (Choose One)


Move to any spot in battlefield, deal 2 damage to one target when you land. If wielding a spear or staff, deal 3 damage. Utility: 3

Quick Jabs

Strikes Knockback for 10 seconds. Utility: 2



"For the one seeking the way of the Dragonlords."

The Dragonlords are great and valiant warriors. Fierce in combat and demeanor. The Elementals were given the gift of the tongue, in which their master Dominus persuaded them. Believing themselves to be enlightened, Dragonlords use brutality and emotion rather than reason and logic first and foremost. Passion is the way of the Dragonlord and Dominus is his master.



Elemental Dragonlords may only wear armor from Class 2.


Element (Based on Tier 1)

Lightning - 2 damage and 2 second paralysis. Replaces Tier 1: Fire. Utility: 2

Ice - 2 damage Immobilizes for 2 seconds. Replaces Tier 1: Water. Utility: 2

Metal - Able to manipulate the fine ore in metals such as doors, metal weapons (only manipulated during explicit roleplay) excluding quicksilver, building with metal in the architecture, or even jewelry/armor. Can use offensively or defensively. Only able to be used defensively in combat, the metal used grants a 5 HP shield and then is unusable when broken. Replaces Tier 1: Earth. Utility: 2

Shadow Step - Vanishes into the air, carried quickly by the wind. Allows the user to move throughout the battlefield without being able to take damage for 10 seconds. Replaces Tier 1: Air. Utility: 2

Given Abilities

Great Weapon Mastery

Able to wield Great weapons with one hand.

Thick Skin

Whether they’ve trained their bodies to take excessive pain or they’ve taken so many hits that they simply don’t feel pain anymore, the Dragonlord can take many more hits than the average person. The Dragonlord has a passive + 5 max HP.

Dragon Extorsion

Due to their desire to be like their Dragon Master, the Dragonlord was given the shape shifting ability. One per session, the Dragonlord can shift into the form of a dragon. This causes the Dragonlord to go unconscious after doing so. For 20 seconds, spread your wings, and use your massive size to dominate like Dominus. Take no damage in Dragon form, and knock back all opponents. Utility: 1

Special Abilities

Staggering Blow

With this ability, the Dragonlord Elemental can send whoever they just hit reeling back. Stagger effect applies to any body part, but base damage only also applies if hit in strike zone. Utility: 3

Perfect Block

Some Dragonlord Elementals choose a more defensive style, and have mastered the art of defensive fighting. While the Dragonlord Elemental has their arms in an X shape in front of them, they take no damage from the front and are rooted in place. Once their arms are moved, the ability is ended. Utility: 2


There are Dragonlords that are crazy enough to blow past their limits in order to win a bout. With 110%, the Dragonlord Elemental puts everything they can and then some into their most powerful blow, but they end up overexerting themselves in the process. This punch does quadruple damage on hit, but it also cripples the arm that was used to pull it off regardless if it hits. As many Utilities as the user has capable arms. Excessive use of 110% in a session could permanently damage the arm used, so use with caution if paired with a player that can heal crippled limbs.

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