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King James Watkins II





Health Points


Tier 1


Fire Sword

Tier 2 - Templar

Dahlia's Shield

Horn of Salvation

Oath of the Warrior

Tier 3

Tactical General

Skill Points

Level 2: Fountain of Life

Level 3: Fountain of Life

About the Character


King James is very reserved. He tries to listen before speaking, assessing the situation in his head. King James is quick to go for council to those whom he trusts. Trust is something that is difficult for King James, due to the High cost of trusting the wrong person so once he has given trust to someone, it means something. Is willing to voice his opinion when it is needed. Likes to give people the benefit of the doubt, but is quick to enact Justice due to his serious sense of morality, which is black and white to King James. King James is a man of High Honor. He seeks to honor all, and to keep his honor, meaning his word is kept.


training, diplomatic encounters, reading and learning, music, smoking his pipe with his close friends, an occasional strong drink

Greatest Ally

Kodey Watkins

Greatest Virtues


Greatest Animosities

oppression, improper rule, poverty


Greatest Fear

that which he does not understand, the Kingdom being ruled improperly


War on Ursine Mountain:


King James II was quite young when he took the Crown. His Father King James I, was always very critical of him, so James II always worked hard for the approval of his father. James II became a the hand of the King to his father. James II advised against the war on Ursine Mountain, however did the will of his Father being an experienced warrior and Veteran war hero. Once James II found out the Ursine had amassed an army to destroy the Red Keep, he realized that the only way to protect the ones he cared about was to go to war and defeat the threat.


When James II father died in battle at the hand of Joraime, quickly he rallied his father's army to deliver the final blow to their king. Fighting alongside the Bear Knight, during the fall of Joraime. James II was never interested in taking the Crown or becoming the king, James II was even interested in taking up the Kings Guard which would keep him from being able to take the Crown or to even have a family in service to the King. However it is something that he naturally took over due to his Honor, and the need for a king.


The Bolton Revolt:


The Bolton’s were a wealthy family, with so much control and power in the land. They were a wealthy banking family, even beating out the banking clans of Holmberg. The Bolton’s great in their arrogance and pride, thinking themselves the greatest of the noble families in the Valley. Because of this, they quickly began amassing men to rally around their cause hoping to take the crown.


The Bolton’s reach was great, even taking some of the families from the Black wood’s to join in on their fight, one of these families being House Felix. During this Revolt, the Crown pared with the Banking Clan Holmberg, where an alignment was agreed on based on the arranged marriage of James II and Teala of House Holmberg. House Holmberg provided the Finances and hired the men, who rallied around the king in battle. Through King James II’s rule, he was able to end the Bolton Revolt with one on one Combat with their self proclaimed King, Nathaniel.  In this Combat, James II cut his foe clean in half, escaping with a scar on his right eye.


King James wants to rule the realm well. He hates oppression and improper use of power. He stand for Justice at all costs. King James seeks the betterment of the Kingdom and hopes to bring that as quickly as possible. King James is young, yet he has wisdom beyond his years. Sometimes he is brash, naturally because of his age yet he knows the need for counsel from others.

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