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Mages are supremely powerful in the fact they disregard utility for pure power and forgo the ways of the warrior or the scholar to harness unbridaled arcane might. A Mage's only job is to blast out magic and ensure they are not a liability for their teammates.



Mages may only wear armor from Class 1.

Weapon Recommendations

Mages typically wield short swords, daggers, staffs, or wands.

Magic Artifact

The Mage can use a magical artifact, be it a necklace, bracelet, staff, etc, to store excess magic over time. The artifact is permanently tied to a spell since the magic would have to be shaped for storage. Add +1 Utility to the chosen ability as long as you have the artifact.

tier 1

Given Abilities

Magic Missile

Deal 1 damage with a magic projectile. Utility: Unlimited

Special Abilities (Choose One)

Arcane Beam

Charge an arcane beam for 3 seconds, then deal double damage to anyone directly in front of the Mage. Utility: 3

Chaos Blast

Deal double damage to all players within a medium circle of the mage. Utility: 2

Tier 2

Spell Caster


“For those with a vast knowledge of ancient spells.”

Your abilities are not inherent in yourself, rather, they come from the supernatural. Using the cosmic energy that is all around and within all things, you have a deeper understanding of the oneness and connectedness of life. You are able to manipulate this energy to change reality itself through clarity of the mind, cleanliness of the body, and calmness of the spirit.

Given Abilities

Energy Sensor

You are able to detect positive or negative energy from a location, object, or person. You cannot understand anything deeper, such as bad energy from anger vs sorrow, but it may help you stay out of trouble.

Dark Matter

Draw negative energy from around you to increase the damage dealt by your weapon. Deal double damage for next 3 hits. Utility: 3

Special Abilities (Choose One)

Mob Mentality

Cast a spell to alter the wills of those around you to choose who they will attack. Cause all enemies to target you or all enemies to not be able to target you. Spell duration: 10 seconds. Each utility may be used on either option for this ability. Utility: 2

Cosmic Camouflage

Cast a spell of invisibility on yourself or any other player that sends them to a mirror dimension. Remove the player from battle for the duration of the spell. While removed, the player may not attack, interact, or speak with anyone. At the end, the player may reenter anywhere in play. Duration: 10 seconds. Utility: 3

Life Force

Aware of the energy that composes all things, you can channel that energy back to fallen individuals, but it requires a great amount of concentration. Sit in a meditative position. Reanimate all unconscious players to half of their max HP. You are paralyzed in this meditative position for 10 seconds from the massive amount of energy required to perform such a feat. If you are knocked out while paralyzed, all reanimated players return to unconscious states. Utility: 1

Magus Shaper


”For those who have honed the craft of the Mystic Arts.”

Not content with the basics of magic, a Magus Shaper Mage instead experiments with the confines of what holds reality together and begins to manipulate the cosmic forces. Instead of just channeling all magic through one’s body and becoming more akin to it, or taking the core of unshaped magic and fleshing it drastically. The Magus Shaper Mage is fueled by their curiosity and brilliance in the field of shaping the magical constructs of the world.



The Magus Shaper Mage can upgrade two abilities to cause additional effects. For this focus they must give up their previous Lvl 1 Spells in favor of their current spells.


Through their curiosity, the Magus Shaper Mage has harnessed the power of fire thus adding the element to their Magic Missile. Replaces Tier 1: Magic Missile

Given Abilities


Confuse all players in Close range of thrown spell for 10 seconds. Utility: 3

Shaping Upgrade: Also causes 2 damage.


Knockback all enemies around Magus Shaper Mage in Close range. Utility: 3

Shaping Upgrade: Enemies Knockback into one another, also causing 2 damage.

Special Abilities (Choose One)


Cause an earthquake at the location of a thrown spell. All enemies within a close circle of the spell take 2 damage. Utility: 3

Shaping Upgrade: Also Root enemies for 3 seconds.

Chain Lightnis

Shock enemy for 2 damage, if enemy has ally in Close range, they also get shocked for 2 damage, continuing as a chain. Utility: 3

Shaping Upgrade: Damage is doubled.


Deal 3 damage then knock bak all enemies across the  entire battlefield. For 10 seconds, enemies are slowed considerably if they move towards the Magus Shaper Mage. Utility: 1

Shaping Upgrade: +1 extra damage.




”For those who seek to understand the Arcane.”

Channeling refinement and perfection of the arts, an Arcanist Mage will shatter the confines of reality with their intellect and push the boundaries of what is possible. Through this an Arcanist Mage gives up the possibilities of new and inventive magic and focuses on just how drastically they can alter the shape of all things magical.


Arcane Armor

The Arcanist Mage channels their arcane magic into a thin, protective film around their body increasing their survivability. The Arcanist gains +3 HP.

Given Abilities

Arcane Conduit

Party gains +3 to all immediate healing abilities. This ability is only active when the Arcanist is on the field and conscious.

Special Abilities (Choose One)

Arcane Barrage

The Arcanist Mage is Rooted for 30 seconds. While Rooted, their projectiles deal double damage if consecutively used on a single target. The multiplier ends when the Arcanist Mage is forcibly moved or the target is changed. Utility: 2

Arcanite Reaper

The Arcanist Mage deals double damage, but they take double damage from all sources. If an enemy is downed by the Arcanist Mage during this time, the Arcanist Mage gains health equal to their maximum health. Lasts 30 seconds. Utility: 2

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