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Morticians practice the profession of treating the deceased and preparing corpses for burial. Found in every corner of Thymeria and in use by most races, they use a wide array of commonly found chemicals, tools and science in their line of work. Often found traveling between villages, at battlefields or working at a shop in a city, their equipment can be used to dispatch attackers and create new work.



Morticians may only wear armor from Class 1.

Weapon Recommendations

Morticians typically wield short swords or daggers.

tier 1

Given Abilities

Fake Death

After you play with corpses all day you become really good at holding your breath, having a blank expression on your face and suppressing your thoughts of regret. You really should have chosen another profession, if only you would have went to univ-....

The Mortician at any time can completely fake their death. This causes them to avoid any conflict, though it does not secure complete safety. Your body goes limp and your pulse is non existent, meaning your body could be collected by the enemy, or left alone out of actual belief you died.

Funerary Mask Potion

The mortician removes the face of a fallen character and wears it as a disguise.  Using Dark Science, the mortician appears to bind a piece of the fallen's soul into the mask form, but they are extremely focused on crafting the complicated potion. Recipe: Bees Milk, Deadly Nightshade.

Special Abilities (Choose One)

Sever Tendon

The Mortician using its knowledge of the human body cuts through vital spots paralyzing enemy limbs. The Moritican deals Double damage, and the enemy’s limbs cannot be used for 2 seconds. Utility: 3

Mortify Potion

Morticians use an array of potions, salves and other alchemical ingredients to concoct various tools for cutting open and treating the dead. This potion is a powerful immobilizer capable of stunning any foe. Enemy is Rooted for 5 seconds. Recipe: Deadly Nightshade.

Raise Dead Potion

Brings an enemy back from death to fight for a new master through a crafted potion. This power comes at a cost, the raised player can no longer revive Allies. Must cast for 10 uninterrupted seconds, conjure the fallen enemy beside you. That fallen Enemy is raised for 5 HP and is at your command. Recipe: Deadly Nightshade, Lightning Root

Tier 2



“For those who grow tired of death, though they sit at its door.”

Required: Tier 1 Sever Tendon special ability.

The pursuit of becoming a doctor is one considered of honorable and important value in Thymeria. Not all who pursue this field are seeking out lives of peace however. There are those who study the ways to heal injuries and malignancies to bolster the ranks of Thymerian forces. Whether the reason for this pursuit be adventure, the thrill in battle, a draft, or something else, the Medic Mortician is an integral part of their squad bringing abilities that prepare their squad and themselves for the next fight.

Given Abilities

First Aid Assembly

With the training of a battlefield doctor, the Medic Mortician is skilled in assembling first aid kits that can be used in battle or bartering. The Medic Mortician crafts a first aid kit that can be used by themselves or others. If someone other than a medic uses it, the first aid kit heals for 3 health to the target player on touch. When the Medic Mortician uses it, it heals for 5 HP on touch or through a healing bolt. Recipe: Bees Milk, Deadly Nightshade, Phoenix Feather, Smelling Salts.


In the heat of battle, you can remove or recover arrows or bolts that have been used. These do not cost you extra drakes and are immediately able to be used once more.

First Aid

The medic is proficient in the art of administering first aid, and they know the advantages and essentiality of having at least a couple with them in combat. As such, their utility counts are dependant on the number of first aid kits they have as opposed to utility counts.

First Aid Kits - Usable twice, before completely consumed. Sells for 2 Drakes a piece.

Healing Bolt

Some of those who trained as a doctor have also become somewhat proficient in the operation of a crossbow. There are enough Medics using crossbows that Machinists have created a way for them to administer their medicines via a crossbow bolt. When this crossbow bolt impacts a player, that player is healed for 5 health regardless if they're friend or foe. This consumes the First aid kit completely upon one use.

Special Abilities (Choose Two)

Smelling Salts Bolt

Machinists have devised a way to deliver dry, powder like medicines in a crossbow bolt. In a Medic Mortician’s hands, this bolt can be used in tandem with their smelling salts to revive a person that’s across the battlefield. When the Smelling Salts Bolt hits a player, that player is revived with half health regardless if they are an ally or not. If the bolt doesn’t connect with a player, it is lost and can be used on touch instead.

Restoring Bolt

Using a combination of the Medic's finely crafted medicines and an ingeniously designed bolt from the Machinists, the Medic Mortician can fire a bolt that restores a person's limbs back to functioning levels. When this bolt impacts a player, that player’s crippled limbs are no longer crippled and are usable once more. The bolt affects whoever is hit by it not just allies. If it doesn’t connect with anyone, then it is lost and can be used on touch instead.

Eye-Serum Bolt

Using Eye of Newt, the Eye-Serum is a regular treatment for malignancies of the eyes, and is injected into the patient. This serum, however, causes blindness as a side effect for a short time. The Medic Mortician has devised a way to use the force of the bolt’s impact to inject Eye-Serum. When a player is hit by the bolt, the played is blinded for 10 seconds. This can also be used as trap that blinds for 5 seconds in a medium circle.

Mute-Dust Bolt

Mute-dust has been used medically to soothe painful throat malignancies and pains, but it leaves the patient unable to speak for a short time. The Machinist has devised a way to have a crossbow bolt eject the dust into a cloud on impact. When a player is hit by the bolt, the player is silenced for 5 seconds. This can also be used as trap that blinds for 3 seconds in a medium circle.



”For those who greet death as an old friend.”

Required: Tier 1 Raised Dead special ability.

The Necromancer Mortician is one who has found a way to commune with the dead. Though, there is not sentient life found in the corpses the Necromancer Moritician raises, there should be much amazement in their fine craft. Some have even classified the Necromancer Mortician as a Dark Alchemist of sorts. They are always seeking ways to bring back those dearest to them, mind and soul.


Raise Corpse

Once a minion or character is dead, manipulate the corpse. All corpses will have 7 HP and follow every command of the Necromancer Mortician. They are only able to have 1 corpse in their control at a time. These minions are fully functional mentally and are conscious of their resurrection, but their will is not great enough to resist the Necromancer Moritician. (Raised corpses do not keep their abilities.) Replaces Tier 1: Raised Dead Ability.

Given Abilities

Magic Artifact

The Necromancer can use a magical artifact, be it a necklace, bracelet, staff, etc, to store excess Dark magic over time. The artifact is permanently tied to a Spell / Ability since the magic would have to be shaped for storage. Add +1 utility to the chosen ability as long as you have the artifact. All Necromancers who have a Magic Artifact must have knowledge of what it is or where it came from, a name, the past wielder etc.


In order for the Necromancer to remain in this state of being, the Necromancer must feed. Any time you are brought to 1 HP, you are required to feed on the closest person next to you. (ally and enemy alike.) For 5 seconds, cause that person to be Rooted and Restricted to regain 5 HP. Enemy takes 1 damage per second for 5 seconds, unless interrupted. Necromancer, only gains HP for every second without taken damage. Utility: 3

Welcome to the Dead

As a result of the Feed skill, the original bite does not turn the victim to an undead. After the third time of feeding on a character, that character will inherit the Living Dead status.

Living Dead

Due to your Living Dead  status, any healing spells, other than Revival spells cast by allies on you will result to damage. Potions that have healing effects, will deal damage you for that effect. Potions that give relief to status effects, will remove your status effects.

Special Abilities (Choose One)

Boom Corpse

The Necromancer is able to use the dead around them and manipulate them. In order to assure your own safety sacrifice your corpse by blowing it up. In a small circle, deal double damage to all players around you. If this knocks out a player around you they are infect with the Living Dead. Enemies infected with this, are automatically a Corpse of the Necromancer. Utility: 1

Soul Siphon

Upon touching a Raised Corpse, remove 50% of HP, rounded down, and heal for 3 HP.




”For those who walk the path in between life and death.”

Required: Tier 1 Mortify special ability.

The Enlightened Mortician have somehow ventured the path between life and death. Technically an undead, the Enlightened Mortician mutilate their own bodies, in order to achieve maximum potential.

Given Abilities

Living Dead

Due to your Living Dead  status, any healing spells, other than Revival spells cast by allies on you will result to damage. Potions that have healing effects, will deal damage you for that effect. Potions that give relief to status effects, will remove your status effects.

Special Abilities: Life or Death (Choose One)

Life, the Great Mystery

Take on Armor Class 2, up to Heavy Leather. With this gained HP, you will be able to remain in the battle and expel more HP to do so.

Death is Only the Beginning

Once you are below half health, you receive a healing surge equal to half of your HP. Utility: 3

Special Abilities (Choose Two)

Blood of the Unicorn

The Enlightened has somehow slipped through the grasp of life and death. As an undead, you have the ability to lose some of your own blood and create puppets resembling yourself. Remove 5HP, your minion is given 10HP, as a result of your half life. Remove yourself from the battle and allow your minion to do the work. Once the minion is defeated take 3 seconds of immunity from damage to gain combat advantage. Utility: 2

Minion Strike

Every fourth strike of the minion gives you +1 HP when you return to battle. Minions can not be healed. Must have Blood of the Unicorn special ability equipped.

Human Clay

Remove portions of your body, to give a Shield to an ally of your choice. This ally gains a shield equivalent to the HP you spent. Utility: 3

Puppet Master

Move allies around on the battlefield. Give them combat advantage. For 10 seconds, allies moved are unable to take damage as well they are unable to attack. If you take damage during this skill, that damage is given to the ally that you moved. Utility: 2


Manipulating the decay in enemies, move around minion level enemies. For 10 seconds, you are able to move them anywhere on the battlefield. They are unable to take damage for this period of time, however they are able to deal damage. Half of the damage they deal can be siphoned into HP for 1 ally of your choosing. Utility: 2

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