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Rangers are the most versatile class. Every ranger can choose from a mixture of hit and run, long range, or precision styles. More durable than a dragoon pushing their spiritual performance beyond their physical, but weaker than a knight in full armor. The ranger is the jack of all trades.



Archers may only wear armor from Class 1.

Weapon Recommendations

Rangers typically wield swords, axes, spears, daggers, or a bow and 5 arrows.

tier 1

Given Abilities

Wild Hunt

The Ranger has been strengthened through the meticulous training needed to hunt all the various types of game from rabbit to human. Additional +3 HP.

Special Abilities (Choose Two)

Ranger Focus: Power Attack

The Ranger, being trained for different fighting scenarios, is able to enter a deep focus to see the most opportune times to strike. Double damage for 5 seconds. Utility: 1

Ranger Focus: Nimble Weave

The Ranger, being well suited to large and obstructed battlefields, focuses in on using the most of their mobility. Temporary Immunity for 5 seconds as they move on the battlefield. Utility: 1

Ranger Focus: Wild Strike

Rangers are nothing if not pragmatic, and will use this pragmatism to make sure they get the upper hand. Ranger Roots on strike for 5 seconds. When struck, Root lasts 3 seconds. Utility: 1

Tier 2



“For those who work better in a pack.”

The Wolf Ranger is never alone, it has its pack and its pack has it, wolves will defend their own and sure up the weakest by using the strongest. So too shall you become one that values their friends over the rampage of the self. You are only powerful when they are powerful, and they will remain powerful because you are there to keep them.

Given Abilities

Wolf Pack

When all party members are up, allies gain +3 HP.


When two party members are up, deal double damage for 3 seconds. When you have only one other party member left, deal 1 extra damage for 3 seconds, when no members remain, Alpha can not be used. Utility: 1

Loyalty Unceasing

Select a player in the game to be loyal to, you will never be able to betray this person, even in Feral.

Special Abilities (Choose One)






”For those who would guard the ones they love with their life.”

Big, Strong, Durable, where Wolves are the familiars of the forest, a Bear is its guardian. When you embody the aspects of a bear you become a guardian. You are not interested in glory of your own, and you fear nothing, because you are stronger. Bear Rangers are the protectors of all that dwell in nature and are the most fearsome.

Given Abilities

Bear Hide

Gain access to Armor Class 2, up to heavy leather.

Ferocious Vengeance

 When a party member falls in battle, deal double damage to whoever downed your party member for 10 seconds.

The Greatest Honor

If one other person is alive in the party, the Bear Ranger will get back up on his own to 1 HP, 5 seconds after being knocked down. Once self revived, the Bear Ranger also gets double damage for the next 5 seconds. Utility: 1​

Special Abilities (Choose One)




“For those who value the shadows and solitude.”

Rogue Rangers are a smart and resourceful bunch. They'll do anything they can to get what they want, including lying, stealing, and even murder. They're also very adept at using different ingredients to craft poisons for different scenarios as needed. The Rogue Ranger loses all of their Level 1 abilities to pick up the crafting class.

Given Abilities

Poison Application

The Rogue Rangers can apply the poisons to their own or to their allies' weapons. These poisons can only be applied by the Rogue Ranger as one wrong move can incapacitate or kill the one applying it.

Self Assured

The Rogue Ranger finds confidence in their craft, and, because of this, they put more muscle into their blows. The Rogue does double damage to poisoned enemies.


In the heat of battle, you can remove or recover arrows or bolts that have been used. These do not cost you extra drakes and are immediately able to be used once more.

Special Abilities (Choose One)

Hallucinogen Poison

The Rogue Ranger mixes up a hallucinogenic poison that infuriates anyone afflicted with it for 10 seconds. The target afflicted with it attacks the first player or character they see regardless of whose side they're on. Recipe: Eye of Newt, Iocane Powder

Slow Killer

This Poison causes death to come over a short period of time. The poison sets for 8 seconds. If this poison is not met with a healing agent, it will leave the player unconscious for 3 seconds, the inflicted will regain consciousness after the 3 seconds are spent. Recipe: Bee’s Milk, Iocane Powder

Weakening Posion

This Poison weakens the afflicted on contact. This poison causes those afflicted to cause -1 damage overall for 10 seconds. Recipe: Iocane Powder, Wormwood

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