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Devoutly religious both in the study of holy texts and the art of battle, Teutonics are a special class of Knight focused on healing properties to protect those around them at all costs.



Teutonics may only wear armor from Class 2.

Weapon Recommendations

Teutonics typically wield swords, war hammers, or great axes.

tier 1

Given Abilities

We Are the Body

The Teutonic may redistribute their health to any other player as they see fit. The Teutonic loses however much HP they give to someone else. This may be done as many times as the player desires. This ability may not be used on another Teutonic.

Second Coming

You may get up from being knocked unconscious after waiting for the number of seconds equal to your max HP. You are then revived to 10 HP. Utility: 1

Special Abilities (Choose One)

All Have Sinned

Condemn the heretics who fight against your conquest. All enemies lose 1 HP. Utility: 2

Every Knee Shall Bow

All enemies must get on their knees for 5 seconds. Utility: 2

To Any Who Have Need

Give another ally +5 HP if you deal the final blow to an enemy.

Tier 2



For those who dominate the battlefield.

The Chivalrous Teutonic is a warrior of great power. The Chivalrous Teutonic seeks to give the most amount of support while manipulating the enemies on the battlefield. They seek to make it known that Chivalry is indeed not dead.

Given Abilities

Nin o Chithaeglir

Conjure a battalion of Water Horses, these Horses force all enemies in a small area to be pushed against the closest obstacle. Deal double drowning damage. Utilities: 3

Special Abilities (Choose Two)

Get Over Here

Squaring down the strongest enemy you can find, shout the taunt “Get Over Here” after the taunt for the duration of combat, that enemy is unable to switch opponents unless they best you. Utility: 3

Winter Is Coming

Cause an enemy half health or below to freeze into solid ice. Push the frozen enemy into the the next enemy in sight, dealing double damage to the frozen enemy and regular damage to the other. Utility: 2

The Beacons Are Lit

Using a light spell, the Chivalrous Teutonic creates four posts. Any enemies within these four posts are caused to be rooted and restrained for 10 seconds. If any of the four posts were moved from the original location, your stasis was not successful and your utility was spent. Utility: 1



“For those whose faith strengthens them.”

Crusader Knights are not just warriors placed upon a battlefield, no they have been tempered in the hot fires of combat long since past and come out as brazen and firm footed. They are ready to face all comers and have developed a team-based ability set, and new armor capabilities to remain the tankiest class in the game.


Bellathor's Shield

The Crusader Knight's proficiency with the shield has begun to set in. It no longer feels like an addition to your arm, but an extension of it. The Crusader Knight gains 10 HP. Replaces Tier 1: Shield Bash.


Add 5 HP to personal HP and the HP of allies within a medium circle of the Crusader Knight. The Crusader Knight then taunts the closest enemy into assaulting them for 5 seconds. Replaces Tier 1: Defender. Utility: 1

Given Abilities

Heroic Armory

The Crusader Knight has an armor piece enchanted and gives it a name. Enchantments will be decided based on both GM’s approval. The enchantment provided will be the description for how this passive operates. The enchantment is based off a Normal Rune in power scaling.

Special Abilities (Choose One)

Stand Your Ground

The Crusader Knight gains immunity to Knockback, Taunt, and Fear for 10 seconds, but they are Rooted for 10 seconds. Attacks with a weapon Knockback opponents, and a shield may also be used to Knockback opponents when blocking. Utility: 3

Rush to Aid

The Crusader Knight Charges at a chosen character attacking an ally. When someone is hit by the Charge, they take normal damage and are knocked back. They are then taunted into attacking the Crusader Knight for 10 seconds. Utility: 3

Turtle Tank

The Crusader Teutonic yells “Turtle Tank”, taunting all enemies within a medium circle to attack them for 10 seconds. During this time, the Crusader Teutonic takes a quarter damage from all sources. Utility: 3




”For those who see the heat of battle for the sake of others.”

A Paladin Cleric takes on high defense in order to take more damage, last longer in battle, and heal more allies. A Paladin Cleric sees the heat of battle for the purpose of healing right on the front lines.



The Paladin Cleric takes on Armor class 3 to survive longer in battle, for optimal support. The Paladin Cleric also takes on a Normal Rune of Healing to their armor. This Rune provides a Healing surge to all allies once per day, for 10 HP.

Healing Hands

The Paladin Cleric is able to use healing hands to heal 5 HP to any player.

Given Abilities

Horn of Salvation

Must have horn equipped. Every blow of the horn gives a Regen effect for 1 HP a second for all allies over 10 seconds.  If you are interrupted during cast, only heal for the seconds the horn was blown. Utility: 3

Special Abilities (Choose One)

Siphon Strike

Paladin Cleric gains double damage for 5 seconds, every strike on an enemy gives an equal amount of HP back to one ally of the Paladin Cleric's choice. Utility: 3

Battlefield Medic

When Paladin Cleric is under half health, half of their HP may be restored to an ally of choice. Utility: 3


All allies resist Status effects for 5 seconds, the Paladin Cleric then gives a Regen of 1 HP a second for 10 seconds. If you are interrupted during cast, only heal for the seconds before damage was taken. Utility: 3

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